Petrell: (note that due to confirmed inaccuracy of Steamspy owner stats, I'm using highest owner count I could record.)
You apparently have no clue what you are talking about.
Steamspy checks a certain number of random accounts a day to get their estimates. There are established statistical formulas for this they are using. Using the highest will be clearly inaccurate.
It would be like asking 10 people on the street who they are voting for in the next election for 10 days. On day 7, 8 of the people say Trump, so you claim Trump will win by a 80% to 20% landslide even though the 10 day average might have Hillary winning 55% of the votes.
Using the highest numbers means that plus/minus range will be certainly minus.
Steamspy will tell you themselves, there is a margin for error since they cannot poll every account, but it is rather dumb for you to call this a "confirmed inaccuracy". When Steamspy gives that +/- range, they do so based on established statistical methods. When you use the highest daily value, it is based on silliness.