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dtgreene: I wish for Wizardry 8 to be ported to the Commodore 64.
Granted, but the port is so badly done that you rage-smash your Commodore out of frustration over how unplayable it is.

I'd wish to see every game I like on GoG.
Wish granted but they are priced expensively, so much as that your wish gets realized only literally; "You can only see them and not buy them"!

I wish our miserable government to be ousted; enough damage they have done already!
Granted, they are ousted. The fascist party is in charge now.

I wish there was a fitting 4x video game adaption of Twilight Imperium
Post edited February 25, 2016 by Vnlr
Vnlr: Granted, they are ousted. The fascist party is in charge now.

I wish there was a fitting 4x video game adaption of Twilight Imperium
Granted, sadly there was a misunderstanding somewhere and you got a Twilight 4X.

I wish I had a chocolate chip cookie.
low rated
omega64: I wish I had a chocolate chip cookie.
Granted, but the cookie has not been cooked and is just cookie dough with chocolate chips.

I wish for Disgaea to be ported to the Commodore 64.
Granted, it is ported. But oh my, a sloppy port if there ever was one! (prolonged gameplay can even brick your system)

I wish Nelson Demille would write a heap of proper sequels in the John Corey storyline
low rated
Vnlr: I wish Nelson Demille would write a heap of proper sequels in the John Corey storyline
Granted, but they're in Klingon.

I wish for an Atari 2600 port of Fallout 4.
dtgreene: Granted, but the cookie has not been cooked and is just cookie dough with chocolate chips.
CORRUPT the wish, not make it better!

dtgreene: I wish for an Atari 2600 port of Fallout 4.
Granted, but it requires 30,000,000 separate cartridges to hold all the data.
dtgreene: Granted, but the cookie has not been cooked and is just cookie dough with chocolate chips.
Bookwyrm627: CORRUPT the wish, not make it better!

dtgreene: I wish for an Atari 2600 port of Fallout 4.
Bookwyrm627: Granted, but it requires 30,000,000 separate cartridges to hold all the data.
How about telling us your wish. :P
I will tell you my wish, instead! I wish for Witcher 3 second and final DLC to be released AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Like, right NOW!

And since my first wish registers as granting yours, then i will wish for something else, as a freebie! I wish Namco Bandai to go bankrupt and FOREVER stop pushing clunky/broken/buggy/laggy/sh*tty ports all over gamers!
Post edited February 26, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: I will tell you my wish, instead! I wish for Witcher 3 second and final DLC to be released AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Like, right NOW!
Granted, but it has a serious bug that causes it to delete the entire hard drive. The DLC is pulled from stores, but not before serious damage has already been done.

KiNgBrAdLeY7: And since my first wish registers as granting yours, then i will wish for something else, as a freebie! I wish Namco Bandai to go bankrupt and FOREVER stop pushing clunky/broken/buggy/laggy/sh*tty ports all over gamers!
Granted. Now Namco Bandai's games are no longer practical to acquire legally, so only pirates play them.

I wish for the person granting this list to look up the program "lilypond" and use it to produce some interesting output. (I have attached a sample.)
test.jpg (8 Kb)
omega64: How about telling us your wish. :P
...oh yeah. >.>

I wish...for a pine cone!!

dtgreene: I wish for the person granting this list to look up the program "lilypond" and use it to produce some interesting output. (I have attached a sample.)
Granted. Everyone granting that list produces something interesting, but none of them share it.

low rated
omega64: How about telling us your wish. :P
Bookwyrm627: ...oh yeah. >.>

I wish...for a pine cone!!


Granted, except that the second wish gave you a pine anti-cone, and they annihilate each other. Oops!

I wish for someone to write, and release, a piece of music in 4/3 time. (Note: This is 4/3, not the more typical 3/4 time you normally see.)
dtgreene: I wish for someone to write, and release, a piece of music in 4/3 time. (Note: This is 4/3, not the more typical 3/4 time you normally see.)
Granted, but you're going to have a heck of a time actually finding the irrational piece.

I wish to be able to safely swallow pine cones without suffering any injury.
low rated
Bookwyrm627: I wish to be able to safely swallow pine cones without suffering any injury.
Granted, but the taste is awful.

I wish that lilypond could handle time signatures where the top number is not an integer. (Such time signatures do exist: I have seen (1 1/2)/4 time before.)