KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish granted. I am the avatar of misfortune itself, the incarnation of bad luck and ugly karma. Even though i later realized that all of my life and fate up to now had been manipulated by no more than 10 "animals" in the guise of humans... I can take up on me the mantle of the concentrated bad luck of a thousand people, so i do gladly, especially now that i am spiritually refined and enhanced.
I wish for innocents to stop suffering and those deserving to receive punishment equal to the proportion of their deeds and life.
Granted, but it turns out that you aren't innocent and therefore you receive punishment.
I wish for a Typeless Wish; in other words, a wish that has no restrictions (meaning I could, for example, wish for more wishes).
I got the idea for this wish from the book "Godel, Escher, Bach" by Douglas Hofstadter. (Specifically, the dialogue "Little Harmonic Labyrinth".)