misteryo: I am so happy with all the Color of Madness changes and rebalances! Don't you just love it! Makes so much more sense to me. I was just playing last night!
MadalinStroe: I don't know... what changes and rebalances? Other than the sever nerf to stun, I can only think of the increase in crit rate. And I hate critical hits in all games. Critical hits, for the heroes and monsters, needlessly introduces RNG in a system that functions just a well without it. I'll never forget repeatedly getting one shot killed in Torchlight 2 due to monsters getting a single huge critical hit. And it was just inevitable, since you were encouraged to fight throngs of monsters in order to offset the low item drop rates.
Here I excerpt a few things that matter to me from here:
But the most meaningful changes are the extensive changes done to every class. Just scroll down on the page linked to the "Heroes" section and read through. Wonderful stuff! A few are copied here at the end of the list.
Buff Durations Increased and Buff “Ticking” Moved to End of Round
Buffs ticking at round/turn start means offensive buffs effectively only have 2 rounds of usage whereas defensive buffs have 3. The difference is less important than the fact that many offensive buffs are not worth using compared to just doing a damaging attack. Adding 1 duration to offensive buffs changes the math enough to make them more compelling.
Veteran monsters will now have slightly less HP and DOD, but slightly increased DMG and CRIT.
Champion monsters will now be slightly weaker across the board.
AOE moves no longer inherently bypass Stealth; at least one target needs to be visible to be able to use AOE moves.
See also the list of Trinket changes that have made trinkets much more useful and interesting for me
Can now party with religious heroes
Battle Heal
Can now be used from anywhere and target anywhere (formerly only usable in 12 and only able to target @123)
Grave Robber
Pick to the Face Now ignores PROT
Grapeshot Blast Now inflicts a debuff: +4/5/6/7/8% Crits Received
Dirk Stab now ignores guard
Harvest now builds finale
Finale can now be used from rank 1 and 2 (was 1) and can now target rank 4
Solo no longer debuffs enemies but marks and buffs Jester
Illumination now ignores and removes Stealth