Gerin: The Duellists, starring Harvey Keitel and Keith Carradine. It was very good, but I will say I liked the writing very much and the swordsmanship less so.
It didn't bother me at all. Not the greatest fight scenes, but good enough I think. It's the characracters that really matter in that movie anyway, not the swordsmanship, and the writing and acting are very good, especially the latter. That said, I remember thinking it's a bit overlong.
Emob78: For a specific answer, I tried recently to watch the new Indiana Jones movie that came out in 2007. Got about 10-15 minutes into it before turning it off in disgust.
GR00T: That movie was a fucking crime though. It's right up there with the Star Wars 'prequels'. No, actually, it's probably worse.
Bah, humbug. It's not even anywhere close to those abominations. Hell, I don't even think it's bad. Sure, it's nowhere near as good as the original three, but it was still a fun adventure movie with a great cast (yeah, ok, except LaBeouf).