Emob78: Jurassic Park Trespasser... oh god, no. Not here! Not now! Noooooooooooooo!!!
Matewis: Are you running it on a modern system? How does it run? I've been wanting to try Trespasser out for years. I used to stare in disbelief at its awesome graphics in a particular ad that used to frequent the gaming magazines back then. I think it was this one:
That was a joke. I haven't played it in a couple of years. I had a bite of nostalgia for it and thought that maybe it would play better than it did the first time around. It didn't. Game still sucks after all these years.
There's a mod for it called the ATX mod which supposedly improves the graphics and controls for modern systems and also overhauls the UI and some of the game mechanics, but I haven't tried it.
If you really like dinosaurs or just want to see a very early physics based FPS from the late 90s AND can find it dirt cheap, I say give it a try. Otherwise just stay away from it. The idea for a Jurassic Park FPS sounded like a good idea, but it was just WAY too far ahead of its time. Computer processing and programming simply weren't up to the task for a game of that scope back then.
Here's the fan site where you can get the mod, cheats, walk-thrus, and other files for the game if you do get it.
http://www.trescom.org/ A LPer named Research Indicates did an amazing LP of Trespasser a few years ago. It's still one of the best LPs/Walk-thrus I've ever seen. He gives a great intro with background info on the game, then plays it from beginning to end with great commentary and information on the game and how it was made and why it failed.
History of Jurassic Park Trespasser