justanoldgamer: There is no paradox in the multiverse.
Nirth: Theoretically in a multiverse there's at least one universe where thare are
only paradoxes!
I would go back in time, sabotage my ability to travel in time then watch my alter-ego go about "my" life and see what "I" would do with the time from a 3rd person perspective on "myself". Not necessarily lame, could be rather useful to know what could happen.
phaolo: Sorry, I don't believe in multiple universes\dimensions.
Well.. neither in time travel though lol.
Nirth: Uhm, you do realize that modern physics have proven we have at least 3 dimensions, 4 if you count time as one? Or did you mean like dimensional doors or something science fiction or perhaps string theory where there are supposed to be 10 or 11 dimensions
(Inever really understood the last one but I think the last is the universe/multiverse or something like that). 11 dimensions is just plain silly, but 10? Of course 10, and it's really not that complicated to understand.