Posted May 19, 2015

As for a solution, i don't think there's one, i'm guessing that you got your The Witcher 3 from a graphic card promotion, if you had bought the game maybe you could chargeback and the guy would have the key revoked...

And what is a chargeback?
As for a chargeback, if you had bought the key somewhere you could ask the bank to refund you (by lying and saying that your cc was stolen or something like that), the store would revoke the key and perhaps put you on a black list (steam would ban you), dunno, it's a shitty situation because if i'm not mistaken the store also pays a fee for the chargeback so it wouldn't be fair for them.
I would say that the chance of gog support helping you is... 1%, it has to be something of their goodwill because officially there's nothing they can do since it was a transaction made by you with the guy, nothing to do with them...