Posted January 02, 2015

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom

Durik - Half-Orc
Registered: Dec 2013
From Italy

Praise Theodore!
Registered: Mar 2014
From Denmark
Posted January 02, 2015
Post edited January 02, 2015 by Xardas722

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted January 02, 2015

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted January 02, 2015
low rated
There was more to it at the time. In one thread, when begging for a game he talked about not having enough money to buy it and the only thing he had to trade was WItcher 1. Then out of the blue, he had Arcanum to giveaway (which wasn't a trade option apparently). He pulled a lot of shady shit back then, but again, all this was prior to his admission and alleged subsequent reform.
Personally, this is why I just use a default clause of naughty or nice. If someone wins in my giveaways, I do a bit of research. It's on a sliding scale. Theoretically, better prizes, I accept fewer shenanigans. Weaker prizes, it takes very little to qualify, as little as one informative post. Although I think I've only re-rolled once (someone with low rep and the only searchable posts were "I'm in" giveaways or begging). And once I rescinded a gift when it was not redeemed for almost a week.
At some point, one can do enough to be considered reformed. Some people *coughWakalocough* would probably have to give away 100 GoG games in a hundred days to offset his misdeeds. At the end of the day, it's up to each giver what they choose to accept in terms of reform.
Personally, this is why I just use a default clause of naughty or nice. If someone wins in my giveaways, I do a bit of research. It's on a sliding scale. Theoretically, better prizes, I accept fewer shenanigans. Weaker prizes, it takes very little to qualify, as little as one informative post. Although I think I've only re-rolled once (someone with low rep and the only searchable posts were "I'm in" giveaways or begging). And once I rescinded a gift when it was not redeemed for almost a week.
At some point, one can do enough to be considered reformed. Some people *coughWakalocough* would probably have to give away 100 GoG games in a hundred days to offset his misdeeds. At the end of the day, it's up to each giver what they choose to accept in terms of reform.

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted January 06, 2015
BTW, finally uploaded my pics here now that the forum software is working again.
I'm not really interested in pursuing this any further; just putting it here for the sake of completion.
I'm not really interested in pursuing this any further; just putting it here for the sake of completion.

Fuck China, Israel, Russia and Cancer.
Registered: Aug 2011
From Chile
Posted January 06, 2015

I'm not really interested in pursuing this any further; just putting it here for the sake of completion.
I wouldn't call him an scammer, but so far from what I've seen about him until today, AcidFlux acts (or tries to act) very friendly in public, but then he can do some acid things when he's not, like a double-faced person. It's a shame. It seems his problems in real life (as seen in his giveaway) were real and have affected his personality, or vice-versa...
Of course I don't wish him bad, but a little honesty wouldn't be bad, would be?
Post edited January 06, 2015 by Azrael360

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted January 06, 2015

I'm not really interested in pursuing this any further; just putting it here for the sake of completion.

I wouldn't call him an scammer, but so far from what I've seen about him until today, AcidFlux acts (or tries to act) very friendly in public, but then he can do some acid things when he's not, like a double-faced person. It's a shame. It seems his problems in real life (as seen in his giveaway) were real and have affected his personality, or vice-versa...
Of course I don't wish him bad, but a little honesty wouldn't be bad, would be?
but then again, that's about how every druggie I ever met acted and since I live in a capitol I met a lot.
PS: Please keep PMs private if not for proof of scamming.
Post edited January 06, 2015 by Klumpen0815

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted January 06, 2015

I wouldn't call him an scammer, but so far from what I've seen about him until today, AcidFlux acts (or tries to act) very friendly in public, but then he can do some acid things when he's not, like a double-faced person. It's a shame. It seems his problems in real life (as seen in his giveaway) were real and have affected his personality, or vice-versa...
Of course I don't wish him bad, but a little honesty wouldn't be bad, would be?
I personally wouldn't want a PM I sent someone to be displayed for all to see. Of course it would be a different matter if it's just to show as evidence that I promised to give a game or allowed a gift to be traded. But this is personal correspondence. It's called private message for a reason.
EDIT: Thanks for removing them, Azrael :)
Post edited January 08, 2015 by ZFR

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted January 07, 2015
high rated

I'm not really interested in pursuing this any further; just putting it here for the sake of completion.

Ninja who say Ni
Registered: Dec 2011
From Canada
Posted January 07, 2015
If you don't call that scamming, you're passively approving of such behaviour. In an open market environment that might be fair practice, but on here we rely on knowing and trusting people. That's always been the primary vulnerability of our community and our rules need to reflect that. Honesty in trading or gifting should not be optional.
FYI, he also cheated ne_zavarj in their trade: those gems were worth a lot more than the games on sale.
ZFR: While I understand posting PM screenshots in order to show proof about a (potential) scammer, don't you think this is going a bit too far?
I personally wouldn't want a PM I sent someone to be displayed for all to see. Of course it would be a different matter if it's just to show as evidence that I promised to give a game or allowed a gift to be traded. But this is personal correspondance. It's called private message for a reason. I see nothing in those that isn't related to the incident in question.
FYI, he also cheated ne_zavarj in their trade: those gems were worth a lot more than the games on sale.

I personally wouldn't want a PM I sent someone to be displayed for all to see. Of course it would be a different matter if it's just to show as evidence that I promised to give a game or allowed a gift to be traded. But this is personal correspondance. It's called private message for a reason.
Post edited January 07, 2015 by Spinorial

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico
Posted January 07, 2015
On one side, that's painting things in black and white. I can see his behaviour as wrong but not consider him a scammer.
The working definition of scammer for me is a person who breaks a deal taking something out of you and not delivering his part. Is something that in real life would be equivalent to a small theft.
Trading gifts is tacky and not nice but is not a crime.
On the other side, he lied about the destination of the games and I can see dishonesty. I think I can see where you come from.
The working definition of scammer for me is a person who breaks a deal taking something out of you and not delivering his part. Is something that in real life would be equivalent to a small theft.
Trading gifts is tacky and not nice but is not a crime.
On the other side, he lied about the destination of the games and I can see dishonesty. I think I can see where you come from.
Post edited January 07, 2015 by madth3

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted January 07, 2015

I personally wouldn't want a PM I sent someone to be displayed for all to see. Of course it would be a different matter if it's just to show as evidence that I promised to give a game or allowed a gift to be traded. But this is personal correspondance. It's called private message for a reason.

I wasn't referring to the one in yogsloth's post, which indeed are all related to the incident. I was mentioning the ones in Azrael's post, which contained some private correspondence, and were edited out later (thanks for understading, Azrael).
Post edited January 08, 2015 by ZFR

Soup Dragon.
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted January 07, 2015

The working definition of scammer for me is a person who breaks a deal taking something out of you and not delivering his part. Is something that in real life would be equivalent to a small theft.
Trading gifts is tacky and not nice but is not a crime.
On the other side, he lied about the destination of the games and I can see dishonesty. I think I can see where you come from.
It amounts to the same thing, you run the risk of getting caught up in semantics.