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Zimerius: The same as your car m8, at least once a month... check oil and tires, clean the area around your pc weekly, dust of the outside protective mesh etc etc
Your computer has oil and tires?
Swissy88: Compressor + air gun makes quick work of any dust that's in it.
Crosmando: I used to do this, but the problem is that the compressor just blows the dust out of your PC into your room and up onto your desk, which just means you need to do more dusting.
When I dust off my PC (or PC cabinet or whatever is dusty) with my compressor air gun, I have a vacuum cleaner in my other hand, sucking the dusty air all the time. Works fine.

I used this combo also to dust off the blinds that are in the living room windows, they had become awfully dusty. I just sent compressed air on them, lots of dust flew to the air, which I caught with the vacuum cleaner.
Post edited February 06, 2022 by timppu
Zimerius: The same as your car m8, at least once a month... check oil and tires, clean the area around your pc weekly, dust of the outside protective mesh etc etc
DoomSooth: Your computer has oil and tires?
It could have!
timppu: When I dust off my PC (or PC cabinet or whatever is dusty) with my compressor air gun, I have a vacuum cleaner in my other hand, sucking the dusty air all the time. Works fine.
I just do it outside - once every 2 years.