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Once more, we’ve decided to celebrate Pride Month by asking our queer team members about their favorite games with LGBTQ+ themes and characters. All the titles they’ve chosen are present here, in this Pride Month Collection.

There are plenty of awesome games to choose from in this collection – one of the titles has even joined our GOG ranks today! Here are some great examples:

· Scarlet Hollow
· Growing Up
· Life is strange
· Unpacking

Just like last year, this unique list of games does not represent any kind of special sale. It is our way of showing that representation of minority groups is important, even in fictional worlds of video games.

That's not all! The Pride Month Collection will grow ever still, as you can expect more LGBTQIA+ themed games appearing on GOG later this month.
low rated
SmollestLight: We're trying our best to moderate every COC violation. However, we are just humans and sometimes a violation might be lost due to the number of comments on the forum. That's why we are always grateful for any reports in that regard!

A workplace where people feel welcome and valued for their contributions regardless of their gender, disability, race, religion, background, age, worldview, skin color, or sexual orientation is extremely important to us. Those GOG team members who are openly LGBTQIA+ helped us create the Pride Month Collection with their favorite LGBTQIA+ inclusive games.
Plumb: I just can't take this seriously after how proud GOG was to stop doing business in Russia. So proud
yeah , what a complete joke
low rated
Saviors of Sapphire Wings gets a little queer if you decide to make the protagonist female. Note that you need to choose "female" rather than "unknown" to get the queer dialog, as, rather disappointingly, "unknown" just gives you the male dialog (not even gender neutral, the game explicitly uses masculine terms). Also, worth noting that things don't get queer until later in the game.

(Basically, the protagonist is actually the reincarnation of the male character you play as during the prologue (and this happens so early I don't consider it a spoiler), so one can interpret the female protagonist as being transgender. Also, worth noting that there's nothing preventing you from just reincarnating yourself and changing your gender anytime after you first get access to the feature, which happens after the first dungeon.)
low rated
Dogmaus: So please if you care moderate homolesbobitransphobic comments all year round - and hire gay and trans people in your staff.
SmollestLight: We're trying our best to moderate every COC violation. However, we are just humans and sometimes a violation might be lost due to the number of comments on the forum. That's why we are always grateful for any reports in that regard!

A workplace where people feel welcome and valued for their contributions regardless of their gender, disability, race, religion, background, age, worldview, skin color, or sexual orientation is extremely important to us. Those GOG team members who are openly LGBTQIA+ helped us create the Pride Month Collection with their favorite LGBTQIA+ inclusive games.
I know this is a little off topic, but what you guys really need to work on is the spam bots. They are a blight on the forms and are used to harass people. I myself as well as many other have fallen victim to this. Every post I make is down voted due to spam bots.
low rated
Surprised they actually had to censor people, I thought radical leftwingers were the only ones still left on GOG.
low rated
Speaking of, has a nice little pride bundle:

Queer Games Bundle 2022

A lot of the games aren't all that interesting, but there are some solid ones among them. But to find the good stuff, you need to use

But beware! Unlike most other bundles, this one has plenty of lewd stuff too!

A few which caught my interest:
2064: Read Only Memories
A Mortician's Tale
The Testimony of Trixie Glimmer Smith
Full Service Shop
Don't Toy With Me
Katja's Abyss: Tactics
What Happened in Addison's Grotto
Hunt and Snare (NSFW)
By the Worlds Wind
Post edited June 11, 2022 by KasperHviid
low rated
Deleting every post that has something negative to say?
How progressive.
low rated
Couldn't ignore it, couldn't leave it alone, couldn't walk on by...
low rated
Plumb: I just can't take this seriously after how proud GOG was to stop doing business in Russia. So proud
Orkhepaj: yeah , what a complete joke
What's the joke?
low rated
Plumb: I just can't take this seriously after how proud GOG was to stop doing business in Russia. So proud
I feel it's unfair to not be able to sell games to GOG users in Russia but GOG will do what they like.

Krogan32: 2. Gillette: Never even had a drop in profits.
Yeah I don't believe that one.
Post edited July 07, 2022 by pferreira1983