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low rated
Extended pt 1 - Janet Reno, Waco, Clinton Foundation, Child kidnappings

Extended pt 2 - Gut health, 100 monkies, meditation, tax avoidance, new Wikileaks, 650,000 emails in 8 days, impossible took 18 months combing through 55k emails. Undercover sting operation to catch mothers selling ceviche, Saudi Arabia and womens rights. Free thinking. Humans are tribal. Voter Fraud rampant. CNN & State of the Union video on trump disturbance.

Extended pt 3 - Trump vs Clinton, polls and voting results, voter fraud across the US favoring democrats, madam president, Call for America: a bot poll checker by mass dialing and get poll data, actual data. Cassandra Fairbanks: 'codewords' in Podesta emails, Potential kidnappers are the Podesta brothers?. Stefan Molyneux: Be confident, not cocky. This fundamentally isn't about trump, it's about policies and where America goes as a whole. Trump's campaign is a continuation of Ron Paul's. Socialist tinkering and self destruction, history, communism, starving populations. Hillary's first 100 days: The end of the republic, Legalize millions of immigrants ensuring all votes Democrats want for the end of time, Third world and over-saturation. Witness at trump disruption. 650,000 emails and Larry Nichols. If Hillary isn't president she WILL be investigated properly. Voting for 'free stuff'. Podesta emails and 'Spirit cooking', 'We don't know these people'. 'Little Birdies': polling agencies, Trump ahead in every swing state. Momentum for Trump speeding up, barring major election fraud Trump is elected. LOTR geeking. 'Trump is a Goliath and a man-god of mortal combat!', Trump as a businessman did his research a year before starting his campaign what the people wanted/needed. Scattered military, shrunk military, false flag suspend trump inauguration. Democrat strategy to use media to discredit Trump for 4 years?
Is Donald Trump an honest man who will keep his promises?
Trump promises to put his political opponents in jail, extort protection money from allies, bomb every single inch of Middle Eastern countries inhabitated mostly by civilians, reintroduce torture as a means of interrogation, have a dedicated deportation force for illegal immigrants, be on friendly terms with dictators, build that wall and increase military spendings that would send your national debt through the literal roof. If you think that “he doesn’t really mean all that, he just says things sometimes”, great, focus on this, it may be your only excuse in years to come that you had thought this. But if you actually trust the man to do what he says, if you find him honest, for god’s sake don’t vote for him.

Oh my god, what happens if Clinton really takes in *gasp* 100,000 refugees?
It means that every 3300th person you meet will be a refugee, in most areas of the United States you will not ever see one in your life. It means that your 98% immigrant country will remain a 98% immigrant country, and it means that most people will keep that obscure Middle Eastern religion called Christianity in any case. The Natives have long since given up the hope they can get all those invaders out or integrate them properly into their country. And let’s also face it, those Obama/Clinton plans are empty words. You’ll be taking 10,000 under Clinton max after all that excessive vetting, and that’s basically an insult to philantropy. You’ll be taking zero under Trump of course, which is pretty much the same giant fuck you that Jews got from the US in the 1930s, for basically the same reason.

Why should I believe the women who come forward to accuse Trump of sexual assault?
These women will be under constant attack from Trump supporters, for years, Trump will possibly sue them, and they have no way to prove the sexual assault after all that time. Republican TV host Lou Dobbs evidently had zero problems doxing an accuser on twitter. So please do think about what it means for them to come forward. They’re not doing it for the money (there’s no money in there), they definitely don’t do it for the limelight. And it would be easy for women to come forward and claim that Trump sexually assaulted her last week, last month, last year. Instead, we get pretty much corroborating evidence that Trump had a phase as a bona fide sexual predator immediately after his last marriage. Mind you, this is still a huge mess. You’ll likely never have solid proof whether the accusers are right or wrong. It’s just fairly obvious that they’re risking the shit out of their lives by saying what they’re saying.
Post edited November 08, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
What is worse? Linking to Alex Jones or just posting your opinion and calling it fact?

Either way, I've realized rctvb fulfills a very important role on these forums and I hope he doesn't stop after the new emperor is elected. He has a similar role to that of that quite falsely alarmed guy from Portugal who was worried about European culture being destroyed.

Such low hanging fruit is necessary for the actual moderate-good guy-perfectly reasonable-always correct people of this forum to bash and feel superior to. I wasn't too quick to recognize it last time, but now I see it and I see the mutually hating symbiosis. Those who have no standards of proof are prey to those who are incapable of thinking they're wrong. Such animal planet.
low rated
Vagoinen and the other SJW kunts should thank rtcvb32 and gift him with anything he wants.
Soon the madhouse electoral extravaganza is over, and we can go back to being worried about what the winner will do to fuck up the world.

Latest estimates: About 70% chance for a female monster to be the next president, and 30% for a male beast.

Whatever the outcome, the next 4 years won't be pleasant for the world.
low rated
Vainamoinen: Oh my god, what happens if Clinton really takes in *gasp* 100,000 refugees?
It means that every 330th person you meet will be a refugee, in most areas of the United States you will not ever see one in your life. It means that your 98% immigrant country will remain a 98% immigrant country, and it means that most people will keep that obscure Middle Eastern religion called Christianity in any case. The Natives have long since given up the hope they can get all those invaders out or integrate them properly into their country. And let’s also face it, those Obama/Clinton plans are empty words. You’ll be taking 10,000 under Clinton max after all that excessive vetting, and that’s basically an insult to philantropy. You’ll be taking zero under Trump of course, which is pretty much the same giant fuck you that Jews got from the US in the 1930s, for basically the same reason.
Come now, Vagoinen, you know those refugees will be much, much safer over in Germany. Win or lose, Trump will probably go on safari with Ted Nugent and hunt them all down.
Pangaea666: Soon the madhouse electoral extravaganza is over, and we can go back to being worried about what the winner will do to fuck up the world.

Latest estimates: About 70% chance for a female monster to be the next president, and 30% for a male beast.

Whatever the outcome, the next 4 years won't be pleasant for the world.
Happy times.
Post edited November 08, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
Post edited November 08, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
I changed my mind.
Vainamoinen: Oh my god, what happens if Clinton really takes in *gasp* 100,000 refugees?
It means that every 330th person you meet will be a refugee,
More like 1/3300, no?
richlind33: Vagoinen [sic] and the other SJW kunts [sic] should thank rtcvb32 and gift him with anything he wants.
Speaking as the person you probably mean with "Vagoinen", rtcvb32 has already received from me what I, "SJW kunt" that I am, could give to him: my sympathy and compassion. And he's been made aware of that, however many of his reprehensible infodumps I had to parody.

Speaking of which, I don't much care for the recent dehumanizing comparisons of people to animals, neither the ones from Shadowstalker nor Pangaea. Both Clinton as well as Trump are human beings. That doesn't mean they won't do deeply questionable things.

Particularly if, in the case of Trump, he even heralds a few dozen terrifying and altogether unconstitutional plans beforehand.
high rated
Oh god. This must've been the last place where I thought you could find Conspiracy nutjobs.

I'm a member there, so.

Jones is just a Con Artist period. And a disgrace to humanity.

And for jiggs and giggles, look up some topics made by a guy called kyoon. That guy makes me wonder how long he's been hiding in his parents basement. In fact:

For example:

1. He thinks Patrick Stewart is the leader of The Illuminati.
2 .Hitler's Nephew is his father, thus making Hitler his uncle.
3. Andreas Merkel, Tim Kaine & Hillary Clinton are descentants from Hitler. He also calls Clinton "Hitlery"
4. Kevin Spacey is Patrick's Bastard child.
5. Shopping mails are prison camps in disguise.
6. Lionel Messi quitted his international football (soccer for the americans) career, because he and his father got blackmailed by the Illuminati.
7. Putin was an Illuminati fighter until 2010. Because "THEY" killed him and his wife & daughter AND replaced them with Asian clones (something about his eyes being more squinty or something).
8. He think Alex Jones is a CIA Psy-Op. He also calls him "AleCIA Jones" (there are more Conspiracy Nutjobs that think that Jones is working for the CIA, never understood why...).
9. McFadden is a CGI created by Patrick Stewart.
10. 9/11 was done by The Illuminati and the planes were holograms.

That's all I can remember. In fact, according to his posts his fellow CTers don't believe him.

His kooky blog:
low rated
richlind33: Vagoinen [sic] and the other SJW kunts [sic] should thank rtcvb32 and gift him with anything he wants.
Vainamoinen: Speaking of which, I don't much care for the recent dehumanizing comparisons of people to animals, neither the ones from Shadowstalker nor Pangaea. Both Clinton as well as Trump are human beings. That doesn't mean they won't do deeply questionable things.
Animals are more human than most humans are.
Kardwill: More like 1/3300, no?
Oh my god you're right. I will correct it this instant.

Thanks for reading it. :)

richlind33: Animals are more human than most humans are.
Depends on the animal and your definition of human(e).

Gunther1987: He thinks Patrick Stewart is the leader of The Illuminati.
Post edited November 08, 2016 by Vainamoinen
richlind33: Vagoinen [sic] and the other SJW kunts [sic] should thank rtcvb32 and gift him with anything he wants.
Vainamoinen: Speaking as the person you probably mean with "Vagoinen", rtcvb32 has already received from me what I, "SJW kunt" that I am, could give to him: my sympathy and compassion. And he's been made aware of that, however many of his reprehensible infodumps I had to parody.

Speaking of which, I don't much care for the recent dehumanizing comparisons of people to animals, neither the ones from Shadowstalker nor Pangaea. Both Clinton as well as Trump are human beings. That doesn't mean they won't do deeply questionable things.

Particularly if, in the case of Trump, he even heralds a few dozen terrifying and altogether unconstitutional plans beforehand.
Animals would be an upgrade. A lion for instance is likely to cause MUCH less damage over the next four years than both Clinton and Trump.

Besides, the point was to mention that both are horrible candidates, and incidentally have a great deal in common.
So, did any of the crazy ideas of the original poster come true yet?