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low rated
Pangaea666: Once Trump presumably loses, hopefully big, it will be interesting (or quite scary) to see how his tinfoilhat army responds.
tinyE: Fuck the tinfoil hat army, I'm more worried about the burning cross, Holocaust was a lie, machine gun toting army. You know, the ones that have called for civil war if Adol....I mean Donald, loses the election.

I'm just glad I live where I live and should be relatively safe.
Boo! lol
low rated
Pangaea666: Once Trump presumably loses, hopefully big, it will be interesting (or quite scary) to see how his tinfoilhat army responds.
tinyE: Fuck the tinfoil hat army, I'm more worried about the burning cross, Holocaust was a lie, machine gun toting army. You know, the ones that have called for civil war if Adol....I mean Donald, loses the election.

I'm just glad I live where I live and should be relatively safe.
I think you're should rather be worried what Clinton will do if she becomes president (as seems likely). She might start a major international crisis given her bellicose attitude towards Russia and her demands for a no-fly-zone in the worst case this might become something like the Cuban missile crisis and possibly WW3.
tinyE: Fuck the tinfoil hat army, I'm more worried about the burning cross, Holocaust was a lie, machine gun toting army. You know, the ones that have called for civil war if Adol....I mean Donald, loses the election.

I'm just glad I live where I live and should be relatively safe.
morolf: I think you're should rather be worried what Clinton will do if she becomes president (as seems likely). She might start a major international crisis given her bellicose attitude towards Russia and her demands for a no-fly-zone in the worst case this might become something like the Cuban missile crisis and possibly WW3.
I'm not exaggerating but I hope like hell the people I am talking about are. :P I'm not making this up; these groups are vowing retaliation if their boy loses. My best hope is that these same assholes have been promising things like this for the last 150 years and they have yet to deliver.
morolf: I think you're should rather be worried what Clinton will do if she becomes president (as seems likely). She might start a major international crisis given her bellicose attitude towards Russia and her demands for a no-fly-zone in the worst case this might become something like the Cuban missile crisis and possibly WW3.
tinyE: I'm not exaggerating but I hope like hell the people I am talking about are. :P I'm not making this up; these groups are vowing retaliation if their boy loses. My best hope is that these same assholes have been promising things like this for the last 150 years and they have yet to deliver.
I don't live in America but I think most of that talk of violence is just hot air...sure, there are those alt-right guys, but they seem more like an internet phenomenon.
I see everyone is doing their best to keep the insanity at max level in rtcvb's absence. Excellent.

I guess letting the thread just fucking stop after he finally shut up like we all asked him to would just make too much goddamn sense.
Post edited November 05, 2016 by Breja
Breja: I see everyone is doing their best to keep the insanity at max level in rtcvb's absence. Excellent.
Every few weeks I come looking to read this forum, I see some post of yours complaining about "extremism", "insanity" or whatever. Why don't you simply avoid those threads dealing with politics? Might improve your mood.
tinyE: I'm not exaggerating but I hope like hell the people I am talking about are. :P I'm not making this up; these groups are vowing retaliation if their boy loses. My best hope is that these same assholes have been promising things like this for the last 150 years and they have yet to deliver.
morolf: I don't live in America but I think most of that talk of violence is just hot air...sure, there are those alt-right guys, but they seem more like an internet phenomenon.
No, they're very real unfortunately. When I lived in St. Louis you'd see the little fuckers all the time, in packs of three or four, with their little swastika armbands on. They used to come into the bookstore I worked at and buy whatever copies of "Mein Kempf" (spell?) we had.

As for the Klan, their is a former Grand Wizard running for office.....AGAIN. He actually held office years ago if you believe that. He has come out for Trump of course, citing his nomination as a sign that the time for the "White Power Movement" to make it's move.

True story, just today or yesterday, he claimed the press was being unfair calling him a racist despite the fact that at no time did he ever say he hated Jews, when all he actually said was he only hates 'some Jews'. :P
Breja: I see everyone is doing their best to keep the insanity at max level in rtcvb's absence. Excellent.

I guess letting the thread just fucking stop after he finally shut up like we all asked him to would just make too much goddamn sense.
Yeah. Guilty.

Well I guess I'm the asshole of the day on this one.

I guess all I can do at this point is apologize and stop.
Post edited November 05, 2016 by tinyE
morolf: I don't live in America but I think most of that talk of violence is just hot air...sure, there are those alt-right guys, but they seem more like an internet phenomenon.
tinyE: No, they're very real unfortunately. When I lived in St. Louis you'd see the little fuckers all the time, in packs of three or four, with their little swastika armbands on. They used to come into the bookstore I worked at and buy whatever copies of "Mein Kempf" (spell?) we had.

As for the Klan, their is a former Grand Wizard running for office.....AGAIN. He actually held office years ago if you believe that. He has come out for Trump of course, citing his nomination as a sign that the time for the "White Power Movement" to make it's move.

True story, just today or yesterday, he claimed the press was being unfair calling him a racist despite the fact that at no time did he ever say he hated Jews, when all he actually said was he only hates 'some Jews'. :P
Are you talking about that David Duke guy? I've heard of him...I don't think he's really important, more like a self-promoting egomaniac. And anyway, Trump's son agreed he ought to be shot :-)
I don't doubt there are some genuine Nazis in's a big country, with a lot of crazies...but I doubt they're really a political force to be reckoned with.
Breja: I see everyone is doing their best to keep the insanity at max level in rtcvb's absence. Excellent.

I guess letting the thread just fucking stop after he finally shut up like we all asked him to would just make too much goddamn sense.
tinyE: Yeah. Guilty.

Well I guess I'm the asshole of the day on this one.
Well, it's not like you're alone here, talking to yourself... unless... wait.. those are all your alts!
tinyE: Yeah. Guilty.

Well I guess I'm the asshole of the day on this one.
Breja: Well, it's not like you're alone here, talking to yourself... unless... wait.. those are all your alts!
I'm not alone but I'm not helping.

I was rather enjoying my talk with morolf because while we obviously have our differences we actually were having a rational discussion, but that sort of thing obviously doesn't belong in this thread. :P
Breja: I see everyone is doing their best to keep the insanity at max level in rtcvb's absence. Excellent.

I guess letting the thread just fucking stop after he finally shut up like we all asked him to would just make too much goddamn sense.
I don't really see what's wrong. I thought this was the intended result (at least, for me):
Actual discussion of current affairs and not just endless spamming from one side. No name-calling, no finger-pointing, just a swap of ideas and opinions on what's going on in this country.
What's so bad about that? You're gonna burn down the thread for turning into what occurs in every bar, diner, and other public places where people gather and talk with one another?

This wasn't supposed to be a fight against the discussion of politics. You can't stop that. In fact, stopping it is foolish. It was a fight against rtcbv's ignorant spamming. That's apparently ended (at least, for the time being), so...what's the problem?
tinyE: I was rather enjoying my talk with morolf because while we obviously have our differences we actually were having a rational discussion, but that sort of thing obviously doesn't belong in this thread. :P
I don't want to mess with you having a discussion, I just feel like everyone if adding fuel to the "if X wins it's apocalypse, civil war II, world war III etc) fire. And the fact that the thread is now kept afloat by the very people who wanted it gone is just... yeah. There's going to be elextion threads popping up around this place any time now anyway, so let's just let this die.

Looks like I answered you before I even saw you post :D

EDIT Anyway, I really shouldn't be doing this. I've been staying out of this thread for a while now, and it was probably best for everyone. I only dropped in because I'm hopelessly stuck in Toonstruck :P
Post edited November 05, 2016 by Breja
Breja: I see everyone is doing their best to keep the insanity at max level in rtcvb's absence. Excellent.

I guess letting the thread just fucking stop after he finally shut up like we all asked him to would just make too much goddamn sense.
zeogold: I don't really see what's wrong. I thought this was the intended result (at least, for me):
Actual discussion of current affairs and not just endless spamming from one side. No name-calling, no finger-pointing, just a swap of ideas and opinions on what's going on in this country.
What's so bad about that? You're gonna burn down the thread for turning into what occurs in every bar, diner, and other public places where people gather and talk with one another?

This wasn't supposed to be a fight against the discussion of politics. You can't stop that. In fact, stopping it is foolish. It was a fight against rtcbv's ignorant spamming. That's apparently ended (at least, for the time being), so...what's the problem?
Excellent reply, sir. +1 to you.
low rated
Breja: I see everyone is doing their best to keep the insanity at max level in rtcvb's absence. Excellent.
morolf: Every few weeks I come looking to read this forum, I see some post of yours complaining about "extremism", "insanity" or whatever. Why don't you simply avoid those threads dealing with politics? Might improve your mood.
Do you have these SJW types in Germany? They seem to have no ability whatsoever to live and let live, much like the people they incessantly complain about.
zeogold: I don't really see what's wrong. I thought this was the intended result (at least, for me):
Actual discussion of current affairs and not just endless spamming from one side. No name-calling, no finger-pointing, just a swap of ideas and opinions on what's going on in this country.
What's so bad about that? You're gonna burn down the thread for turning into what occurs in every bar, diner, and other public places where people gather and talk with one another?

This wasn't supposed to be a fight against the discussion of politics. You can't stop that. In fact, stopping it is foolish. It was a fight against rtcbv's ignorant spamming. That's apparently ended (at least, for the time being), so...what's the problem?
TARFU: Excellent reply, sir. +1 to you.
Excellent +1, sir. +1 to you. ;p
Post edited November 05, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
morolf: Every few weeks I come looking to read this forum, I see some post of yours complaining about "extremism", "insanity" or whatever. Why don't you simply avoid those threads dealing with politics? Might improve your mood.
richlind33: Do you have these SJW types in Germany? They seem to have no ability whatsoever to live and let live, much like the people they incessantly complain about.
I don't know if Breja is a SJW, don't read here often enough...I just found it strange that he seems to be complaining about threads such as this one which he could just avoid (but maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation).
But yes, Germany is pretty horrible, a large part of the population is simply demented...why do you think Merkel gets away with her madness and (at least according to many polls) is still fairly popular?