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tinyE: Goodaltgamer, STOP IT!

It's not nice to make fun of the mentally ill, or in his case, the clinically brain dead.
Goodaltgamer: TinyE, that was harsh. Sorry ;)
And I am not making fun off him. I am trying to discuss it with him and see what will come out off it.

And I don't think he is as you describe him. He does have some valid points about faults in main stream media. I think we can agree on this. I think we can also agree that a few other points he put up have a certain value in it as well.

So let's see and let's wait, would you, pleaaase ;)
For you, no problem. :D
low rated
DaCostaBR: She proposes a 4% increase on people that earn more than $5m, which amounts to a lot less money lost for the banks than a real economic downturn and trading halt. And what you yourself described in your post to Goodaltgamer is a nightmare scenario to banks, of course they will support the candidate that opposes it. She's just the safest and most stable choice for their business.
What about the best scenario for the people? She's going to push a 55-65% death tax. Not sure about you, but that sounds like a nightmare scenario for everyone who isn't insanely rich.

Goodaltgamer: And further rtcvb32, your favourite person Trump, did you look at his assets? Don't you think there is some sort of conflict of interest?
He has admitted to lobbying and paid a fine, are you not a bit concerned?
Talking about lobbying, are you not concerned about that he will not do again the same thing he did already?
He lobbied and paid a fine. Hillary mishandled classified documents and siphoned billions from Haiti and not even so much as a slap on the wrist. Lying a single time to the FBI is enough for most people to lose their careers and go to jail.

As things stand, I can only choose between the lesser evil with what's present. I'm honestly not sure I'd want Trump as president, my first impressions and hearing he was running was strongly negative. Personally I'd like to meet him and judge his character by it's own merit. But since that seems unlikely at the moment.

Goodaltgamer: Just read it, digest it and tell me what you think! Will ya? ;)
I think it is giving me a headache. I'll have to get back with you later on it.
Post edited October 31, 2016 by rtcvb32
rtcvb32: What about the best scenario for the people? She's going to push a 55-65% death tax. Not sure about you, but that sounds like a nightmare scenario for everyone who isn't insanely rich.
Again, how is that relevant? I'm not arguing what policy you think is better for your country, or which candidate you prefer, I'm arguing logic.

You implied that there is a nefarious and likely corrupt reason for the banks to support Hillary, I showed there is a very banal and simple reason, rooted in run-of-the-mill supporting the candidate that best represents your self-interest.
rtcvb32: He lobbied and paid a fine. Hillary mishandled classified documents and siphoned billions from Haiti and not even so much as a slap on the wrist. Lying a single time to the FBI is enough for most people to lose their careers and go to jail.

As things stand, I can only choose between the lesser evil with what's present. I'm honestly not sure I'd want Trump as president, my first impressions and hearing he was running was strongly negative. Personally I'd like to meet him and judge his character by it's own merit. But since that seems unlikely at the moment.
Classified documents: Do you remember one of Bushs jrs last actions while being president? (no need to comment, just keep in mind ;) )

And the billions: Did you read about the trump organization? (talking about billions), again no comment needed, just keep in mind ;)

Lesser evil (from what too choose) , problem with how the American system IN THE moment is working, agreed. The rest, we will see after you finished your headache from reading ;)
rtcvb32: He lobbied and paid a fine. Hillary mishandled classified documents and siphoned billions from Haiti and not even so much as a slap on the wrist. Lying a single time to the FBI is enough for most people to lose their careers and go to jail.

As things stand, I can only choose between the lesser evil with what's present. I'm honestly not sure I'd want Trump as president, my first impressions and hearing he was running was strongly negative. Personally I'd like to meet him and judge his character by it's own merit. But since that seems unlikely at the moment.
Goodaltgamer: Classified documents: Do you remember one of Bushs jrs last actions while being president? (no need to comment, just keep in mind ;) )

And the billions: Did you read about the trump organization? (talking about billions), again no comment needed, just keep in mind ;)

Lesser evil (from what too choose) , problem with how the American system IN THE moment is working, agreed. The rest, we will see after you finished your headache from reading ;)
I'm being a good boy. :D
low rated
DaCostaBR: How is that curious? The only economic plans he's put forth was making new trade deals using "negotiators whose goal will be to win for America", and imposing tariffs of 35% and 45% on Mexican and Chinese goods respectively, two of America's largest trading partners.
Trump that bastard he also wants to: "lower the business tax rate from 35 percent to 15 percent, and eliminate the corporate alternative minimum tax. This rate is available to all businesses, both small and large, that want to retain the profits within the business."
I'm starting to hate him already.

A now I'm curious because I checked the Trump's Tax Plan and find nothing on it, please point me to the 45% tariffs for Mexican/Chineese imports.
low rated
Cadaver747: A now I'm curious because I checked the Trump's Tax Plan and find nothing on it, please point me to the 45% tariffs for Mexican/Chineese imports.
This is probably part of the international trades renegotiation as a whole, not a separate thing. But expecting 35% tax added on imports is a good expectation.

Or maybe it's going to be a bit higher for businesses that started in the US and left the US as a penalty for being disloyal, I don't know.
Cadaver747: Trump that bastard he also wants to: "lower the business tax rate from 35 percent to 15 percent, and eliminate the corporate alternative minimum tax. This rate is available to all businesses, both small and large, that want to retain the profits within the business."
I'm starting to hate him already.

A now I'm curious because I checked the Trump's Tax Plan and find nothing on it, please point me to the 45% tariffs for Mexican/Chineese imports.
Politifact. It's really not that hard to find, you just have to look for it. The Mexican tariff is from his announcement speech, and the Chinese tariff is from an interview with the NY Times.
Post edited October 31, 2016 by DaCostaBR
Who the fuck cares about his tax plan!?

I'm more worried about these fucking white supremacist/militia assholes showing up at his rallies doing their best SA Brownshirt impressions.

You just know these fuckers are going to be hanging out at all the poling places on the 8th.

I also got a kick out of the woman arrested in Iowa the other day trying to vote for him twice in order to counter voter fraud. Still trying to piece that one together. :P
tinyE: You just know these fuckers are going to be hanging out at all the poling places on the 8th.
No need to assume. They've stated this intent themselves. To, uhmmm, "counter voter fraud", yup.

God help America.
low rated
DaCostaBR: Politifact. It's really not that hard to find, you just have to look for it. The Mexican tariff is from his announcement speech, and the Chinese tariff is from an interview with the NY Times.

"During his presidential announcement speech, Trump suggested that if a company like Ford built a factory in Mexico, he would respond by calling Ford’s CEO to say, "Every car and every truck and every part manufactured in this plant that comes across the border, we’re going to charge you a 35-percent tax."

"The 45-percent is a threat that if they don't behave, if they don't follow the rules and regulations so that we can have it equal on both sides, we will tax you. It doesn't have to be 45, it could be less. But it has to be something because our country and our trade and our deals and most importantly our jobs are going to hell."

So in other words he just wants americans to build factories in US, manufacture goods in US.
He is the worst ever president nominee, how could he even suggest that? It may lead to higher prices for imported goods and more labor places within a country. I hate him, I hate him so much!!!
Post edited October 31, 2016 by Cadaver747
tinyE: Who the fuck cares about his tax plan!?

I'm more worried about these fucking white supremacist/militia assholes showing up at his rallies doing their best SA Brownshirt impressions.

You just know these fuckers are going to be hanging out at all the poling places on the 8th.

I also got a kick out of the woman arrested in Iowa the other day trying to vote for him twice in order to counter voter fraud. Still trying to piece that one together. :P
Hopefully BLM thinks ahead of them and blocks the roads.
tinyE: Who the fuck cares about his tax plan!?
Not many. I for one more interested in why IRS refused to provide documents of Donald Trump’s tax returns. What the hell is going on with his audit and why it's posponed until (and after) the election take place.
rtcvb32: In Quantum leap this was explained
By the way, I love Quantum Leap to death. Particularly this latest episode.

Incredible how Scott Bakula still has all the Sam Beckett stuff down pat. :)
Post edited October 31, 2016 by Vainamoinen
tinyE: Who the fuck cares about his tax plan!?
Cadaver747: Not many. I for one more interested in why IRS refused to provide documents of Donald Trump’s tax returns. What the hell is going on with his audit and why it's posponed until (and after) the election take place.
Another good question.
rtcvb32: In Quantum leap this was explained
Vainamoinen: By the way, I love Quantum Leap to death. Particularly this latest episode.

Incredible how Scott Bakula still has all the Sam Beckett stuff down pat. :)
Scott Bakula is from my hometown of St. Louis Missouri. :D
Post edited October 31, 2016 by tinyE