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rtcvb32: Unless you've been in the military, it's difficult to explain. Literally you wouldn't understand.

I can try but it wouldn't do much to explain it all. It's a change in body, mindset, training, a certain type of order, and almost family.
I've known people in the military.
Try your best anyways.
low rated
rtcvb32: The military has done soft coups (refusing orders) more than once in the last several years.
OneFiercePuppy: No, they have not.

Name one.

When told to arm Al Qaedas/ISIS they refused.
Indeed, another objective reliable source. :P

I like the coffee cups they are selling. I always trust a news organization with a clear fucking political agenda. XD
Post edited October 30, 2016 by tinyE
rtcvb32: When told to arm Al Qaedas/ISIS they refused.
I know this is going to be really hard for you, but neither of your sources say what you said. Ted Cruz is not, in fact, part of the US military.

As usual, none of what you're saying even makes sense. It's certainly not even close to right.

Here's what your text link says: Ted Cruz doesn't want the US to get involved in a proxy fight. That has nothing to do with "soft coups" or anything else.

Here's what your video link says: It doesn't matter. It's Alex Jones. He may as well be this dog
low rated
OneFiercePuppy: Here's what your video link says: It doesn't matter. It's Alex Jones. He may as well be this dog
And rather than say oh, watch the video where they bring up articles and video footage backing up what he's talking about, you just talk it down.

Yeah. real smart.
Seriously rtcvb, your "evidence" couldn't come off more biased if you were getting it from the National Aryan Front.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by tinyE
low rated
Everyone is going full retard again.
rtcvb32: And rather than say oh, watch the video where they bring up articles and video footage backing up what he's talking about, you just talk it down.
Oh, I watched the first part of it. You're too stupid to have a conversation with, though. You're not worth my time. I'm really just here to mock you and make sure nobody else watching this case study in cerebral failure ever thinks you have a point, in anything. Because you sure don't.

The video says the same thing your text link says. It shows people opining that the US shouldn't get involved in a proxy conflict and act as someones military. There's no order being given there. There's no disobedience to rules. It's not cabinet members making policy. It's a person saying that they don't think the US should be involved in air sorties in Syria. There are no articles or video footage backing up the point you claim to be trying to make.

I know that because I read at an adult level. I know that because I know how to check information and vet sources. You don't even know how to summarize a quarter-page article written at a seventh-grade level.

I'm not trying to prove anything to you. You're not smart enough to understand even the simplest ideas. Nobody can convince you of something that you aggressively refuse to understand. But, hey. Cognitive dissonance works in your favor; there's really almost no chance you'll ever know how stupid you actually are.

Try to be smart again, little soldier boy. Let's see what you've got.
low rated
Kleetus: Everyone is going full retard again.
Which is where i start ignoring them again...
rtcvb32: Which is where i start ignoring them again...
OneFiercePuppy may have snapped a bit, but he has a point:
No link you've given said anything that has to do with a soft coup, unless your definition of the word is really, really liberal.

But putting that aside, you've still said absolutely nothing in regards to my point on how what you're doing so far leads to an OPPOSITE effect whereby you're making Infowars and all who follow them look bad by providing poorly-supported claims or simply ignoring arguments altogether.
If there's any particular reason you're ignoring that bit, I'd like to know from you why that is.
low rated
zeogold: OneFiercePuppy may have snapped a bit
Maybe he's teething?
Sorry to bump this hilarious retarded thread, but the ignorance is strong with him.

There were unprecedented protests against the Iraq war before the US and co attacked, virtually world wide. Literally millions marched in the streets - in the US alone. People even went to Iraq to act as human shields on bridges and other vital infrastructure.

It didn't matter one jot. Bush, Blair and many, many others in the state apparatus decided to invade and occupy Iraq -- and that's what they did -- damn the consequences.

Due to that, we now have IS, and the Middle East is on fire.

Clinton certainly didn't help matters by bombing Libya (and Norway, my home country, played a very detestable role in that) and spreading the mayhem yet further, but the spark was truly lit when Iraq was assaulted.

They have so much to answer for, millions of people are dead because of their (Bush, Blair, on so on) actions, but not one of those fuckers will spend a day behind bars.
low rated
Pangaea666: They have so much to answer for, millions of people are dead because of their (Bush, Blair, on so on) actions, but not one of those fuckers will spend a day behind bars.
Good post, though I think that politicians (Bush, Blair and others) are meant for facade. The true masterminds behind war conflicts are bankers. Hillary or Trump it doesn't matter they all will succumb to greater power.
I really hope what I say is not true.

P.S. Democracy is a myth.
low rated
Cadaver747: .
I would like to visit your country and travel to the Kremlin to wash Mr Putin's feet.
low rated
Pangaea666: the ignorance is strong with him.

There were unprecedented protests against the Iraq war before the US and co attacked, virtually world wide. Literally millions marched in the streets - in the US alone. People even went to Iraq to act as human shields on bridges and other vital infrastructure.
I do admit I never paid attention to news or happenings before about a month ago, so no I didn't know these happened.

If protesting isn't enough, then I suppose the best we can do is get a change of power. Or outright riot (which I don't think would work well).
Cadaver747: Good post, though I think that politicians (Bush, Blair and others) are meant for facade. The true masterminds behind war conflicts are bankers. Hillary or Trump it doesn't matter they all will succumb to greater power.
I really hope what I say is not true.

P.S. Democracy is a myth.
I hope it doesn't come to pass either. Although very curious all the big banks and big corporations are backing Hillary and not backing Trump, and the media demonizes him without looking at Hillary's problems (unless forced to).
Post edited October 31, 2016 by rtcvb32