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high rated
GreasyDogMeat: .....
low rated
Today: 22 Dec 2016 - 28 days to office
First hour - Holding off on repealing Obamacare/Romney Care? Obama transition team to stay in Washington as head of race leader? Shadow Cabinet? Facebook Algorithm to censor freespeech? Snopes. Federal Reserve enacted Dec 23 1913 while most of congress was off on Christmas vacation. It's a wonderful lie (<i>100 years of the Federal Reserve</i>). 9 Trillion loan/missing money from Federal Reserve?. Trump WILL drain the swamp; But what does that mean? Probably no lobbyists, no upper globalists, those that oppose the left/communist agenda, and avoiding the deals that benefit/protect only the international banks/corporations. Faithless electors. Obama to stay in Washington For Sasha to keep going to highschool? (Not because he wants to lobby? Hmmm...) Holdren '<i>if those initiatives do not go forward in the way I think will benefit the nation&mdash;I&rsquo;ll be talking about it</i>', Holder suing for redistricting. NC and Court system vs Ballot box. Sessions & Trump to change/replace judges quickly. Durham & voting fraud, 90 extra minutes extended election. Obama as race leader, Shadow government of progressives. Midnight regulations and stepped up immigrants. Sanctuary cities & Deportations, LA $10M Defense fund, Amnesty groups. Non-Citizens. Mexico ambassador urges getting US citizenship. Texas to resist Federal deportation laws (<i>SFGate</i>), 80 languages.

Second hour - If there is a war on Christmas, <span class="podkreslenie">Christmas is winning</span>. Suicide children &amp; Islam, Stefan Molyneux: 'There are many countries in the world that would consider it an act of Treason to heavily change the demographics of the country'. Blowback. Geert Wilders. Germany only 2.8% of migrants have jobs (<i>the rest are all on Welfare</i>) 55/1,000,000 (50 at the post office). Policy question labeled as hate speech. Merkel has blood on her hands, 'The left is no more interested in Democracy than they are in gay/women's rights'. The countries will have to be rebuilt, and there's fewer people around to rebuild. Assuming they do get jobs the value of jobs goes down, hiring is less valuable, welfare goes up. 'If you want to help the people in the middle east, we send money to help them resettle IN the middle east. it's 12x more effective vs resettling in the west'. Regime changes Muslim deaths and wars. 'ISIS was our surrogate to do a regime change', Half million children dead. 1950's & 1960's Iraq. Iraq Decade of hell, 'The invade/invite everyone is going to invite equation will equate in untold suffering around the world'. Germany attack last year, Berlin attack a few days ago. 'The left has lost the argument, because the filters to keep the information from the masses is gone. They are not good at debating'. 'In Democracy you have to win debates to enact policies, UNLESS you change the demographics of the country to be more left-friendly. Hispanics and Muslims have a history of this'. 'They can't win the argument because socialism fails, it only wins in the short run'. Cliches liberals use to avoid arguments. Snowden. Fiat Currency and Federal reserve act. 9 Trillion? 'This is the greatest tragedy abandoning gold/silver backing' 'Governments tend to abandon their limits', 'bribing is you is just deferring'. Running out of money & Paper currency. 'When they don't have the money to pay, they just print more, restrict ownership of gold, and it destroys your freedom'. Insane equations, illusion something for nothing. Bills/Debt flowing to next generation. . Rent seeking, IMF welfare programs and taking possession of their country. Mainstream media not covering Venezuela, yet were so happy when [url=]Hugo Chavez became president. Chile. Sanders. Deaths of KKK vs communism as a whole. Turning to the state to control alternate voices. 2013 removal of Propaganda limitations. 'Left controls the family, Academia, Media, Mainstream Media, Government schools, in a hive-mind of leftist collectivism, and they still can't win against webcams and good arguments; Expanding to control over other people's voices'. Facebook &amp; secret rules for regulating '<i>Hate Speech</i>'. 'Let's bring the best/worst ideas and hash it out and see how great/terrible they are'. Bias. Argument of real vs fake news. 'You have to work really hard if your ideas are not mainstream'. 'The left have gotten lazy only wanting to stuff ballots and not argue'. Manipulating currency via interest rates. Sumitomo to Rethink Treasuries. Building/bursting bubble and/or removing advantage of lowering taxes. 'The embedded power structure are an organism that is cornered. Post JFK have not gone after the federal reserve'. Federal reserve rate increases. Andrew Jackson, key tactic. 'The leftists are ideological, and fully believe it. Other pragmatics use the leftists to divide and separate families'. 'The economy is going to improve under Trump and the Pragmatics don't want to milk the cow until it dies and slay the golden goose'.
Post edited December 23, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
Third Hour - Obama to remain in Washington, a shadow government. Stefan Molyneux: 'All Trump's victory has done is buy us time, it did not solve the problem. Need to keep bringing good reason/logic'. 'We need to take that time and educate and build a psychological groundswell against the left'. The left doubling down rather than reflect. If you take away California Trump won Popular vote. Jim Webb lampoon's Bill's 1992 Landslide. Rebellious Electoral College. Trump Conflicts of interest?, Pelosi Insider trading, Revolving door/Lobbyists. Tactic of the left. GOP maybe holding off on repealing Obamacare. Insanity with taxing. Corporate advantage fuel economy. Goat sacrificed before Pakistan airline flight. Fuel economy standards, Islamic hoaxes &amp; BoycottDelta vs real suicide bombings. Clock bomb. Muslim Threatens to bomb and enters terminals unhindered. Fake hate crimes. People aren't taking it, 2017 might be a great year. Snopes the '<i>Fact checkers</i>' and scandals.

Fourth Hour - ISIS/Muslims Defacing churches, bloody massacre. 'Sheep, stop being sheep'. 'Don't be a useful idiot'. Gun restrictions 'Can't tell the difference between a semi-trailer and a semi-automatic'. '<i>Fake news</i>' sites supposedly lied about Clinton, Supposed Crisis. Clinton pushed fake news multiple times. Generalities. Amazon &amp; CIA &amp; Washington post connections. Then somehow the '<i>fake news</i>' connected to Russia. Vague Generalities. Then Russia '<i>hacked</i>' the election. Supposedly Russia hacked Podesta's emails and sent them to Wikileaks. CIA's evidence is 'assurance'. Seth Rich. Then emails are forged/fake. Globalism &amp; Media, Rockefeller, UN &amp; Trilateral commission. Energy consumption quota &amp; Microchips. Trump says to back up and step away. MSM knows what their agenda is and what to do to exist. Facebook's '<i>Fake News</i>' problem. Opening eyes that Legacy media is dying. Fake news backfires?.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Obama's forged Birth Certificate (<i>all laid out</i>) Src 1 Src 2. Mike Zullo: 'As far as the document is concerned, it's inauthentic'. 'Someone is looking at 40 years'. 'There were about 200 forensic labs that refused to touch this, we had to go overseas'. Ghost president. New legislation for presidential transparency. 'Secretary of states don't have any way to investigate this. We want statutory provisions where secretary of state (any state and with cause) can petition the FBI to do a background check of anyone wanting to be president/vice president'. Fake news, false flags, identity politics. #BoycottDelta Update, Church fake hate crime, Ivanka confronted for being on jet. ISIS/Church Hit-list. Hitler false flags (this is nothing new). Chris Hayes &amp; deranged path. Orlando victims suing FB/TW/GO. Racist MTV. Democrats Are In Hell And Want To Take America With Them. Government wasteful spending and micro-purchases. Non-citizens. Battle with sanctuary cities. LA sets up $10M to stop deportation of Non-Citizens, some from a property tax rebate from tax payers. [url=]Texas. Mayors to protect '<i>undocumented immigrants</i>' (but not their own citizens). Immigration madness. IRL corruption paying Non-Citizens.

Recommended videos:
Comedy in the age of Trump
Foreigners Dumping <span class="bold">US</span> Treasurys

Let me keep this short...
Who the heck are you to call her claim "absurd"? Snoops even said they do not know exactly which video she is talking about. Instead they Google search, find 3 "Aya" videos and make the stretched claim these are the videos being talked about. They don't know.
Indeed, they don't know and that remains so until Bartlett makes it clear about what she's talking about. Until then I think it's safe to say the kind of claim she makes, by the implied sweeping accusations behind it, is pretty absurd.

You know, you really should direct that same kind of anger toward her for making this accusatory claim without being able to back it up. I find it somewhat troubling that you believe the dissenting voice without needing any kind of proof, yet when reputable news agencies report something, you are suspicious from the get-go.

To the Syrian how exactly was the Syrian government supposed to run their election in rebel held territory?
That's not the point. The point is that you didn't mention an important fact from the Snopes article -- it had most likely an impact on the outcome of the election -- along with the percentages you stated.

To Sandy Hill, don't you see the propaganda in action here? If you are supposedly doing a serious fact check, how does bringing Sandy Hill and unrelated fake claims add to the discussion? It doesn't unless you have already decided it's false...
I think they made the comparison based on both having the characteristics of conspiracy theories, in that the claims are pretty outlandish and without proof.

As to the hospital attack itself...
I'm not sure what to make of your articles. They don't appear to be very consistent as to their intent. About the first article you've linked to: One moment it's downplaying the severity of the hit, the next moment it says it didn't happen at all. Then somewhere it also says the hospital had good reason to be attacked because it secretly was a military facility... The articles seem to spread doubt, instead of supplying a believable and thorough alternative narrative, backed by credible sources.

I saw that Wikipedia says of that they're frequently promoting conspiracy theories such as 9/11, the Charlie Hebdo shooting and the FEMA camps conspiracy. Color me unsurprised.

As for the DWB report I went by: yes, it was an important source to base my view on, but it was not the only one. There are televised interviews with staff and bystanders and videos showing and talking about the aftermath, the rubble inside of the hospital and the damage to the outside of the building. There's the mentioning of the names of several staff who could be seen on the CCTV footage from within the hospital moments before they're killed.

Based on that, I don't see how you (or Bartlett) can still say the bombing didn't happen.

Edit: somehow I'm unable to quote your post, RWarehall
Post edited December 23, 2016 by Zjeraar
low rated
Zjeraar: snip
And there you go back to discrediting the source to dismiss the whole story again...

As to Snoops, any intelligent person reading through that can tell the author of that piece has a grudge. One is certainly not being "neutral" when one is (poorly) poking holes in an election and dismissing a statement by comparing it to Sandy hook conspiracy theorists. No smart person can look at that and say that particular article was being neutral.

Now, let's look at this attack claim. Talking of collapsing 2 floors with a bomb on the roof (which satellite imagery shows was pre-existing). Or the size of the building shown for a hospital with only 8 full-time doctors and 28 nurses for 34 beds. Now somehow 55 people died from an attack where the "destroyed" hospital was rebuilt in less than 3 weeks? Does this math add up?

How about checking out this article talking about these "White Helmets" and their propaganda campaign. How time after time they release these "aftermath" videos pulling children from the wreckage (strangely unhurt at that).

Look at these pictures with a critical eye:

Look at all these videos. Amazing how they have these cameramen in the right place at the right time every week almost...

All of this so-called CCTV footage. The entire report. All the interviews. All of this is coming from the same source, a rebel group who is trying to get Western governments to intervene on their behalf. And the Western "media" buys it up because it helps ratings and aligns with Western government plans to overthrow the current Syrian government.

You keep trying to boil this down to whether there was an attack or not. Was there? Wasn't there? It's pretty hard to tell when all the information is coming from a source that pretty clearly is staging a lot of it. If there was an attack, at the location mentioned, was it all that bad?

And that is the real point. Where is the "mainstream media" in critically sourcing the information?
Post edited December 23, 2016 by RWarehall
Sorry to go off-topic, but can everyone please support my wish, do it for Christmas.
low rated
Today: 23 Dec 2016 - 27 days to office
First hour - The globalists model is to sneak things through during holidays. Appointing a mail-order diploma company and Snopes to decide what's 'fake news'. Ted Koppel. Cyber DDOS attacks. It's how they 'define' things. Jordan Maxwell: Talks of global awakening, words and democratic, communism. World order was sold as a way to prevent more wars, while it was a way to cheat us out of resources and pick winners and losers.

Second hour - Whiny Wisconsin losers. Assassination of Russian Ambassador. Celente, voters & voting.

Third Hour - Warning shots & DDOS attacks? Dump the dollar? Hedge everything on Chaos. China Stockpiling silver/gold. Stone: Goldman Saches appointments. Russian TV. Geert Wilders. Matt Bracken: Clinton lost more votes than Trump. They will never quit. Germany & Islamic Terror. Good/Bad cop routine. Peroxide bomb formulas. Communism 'they will be having babies whether they want to or not'. Thousands of Propane tanks and cell phones stolen.

Fourth Hour - Aired live before election. Jesse James: Trump's lost a lot of deals while running for president. First to endorse Trump. Excerpts. Jesse James to return to show in the next week as a guest. NPR Slanted to the left. The vote for change. You learn a lot about how they treat the little guy. If they treat the little guy like dirt, they didn't earn their position. Unlimited immigration. Calling themselves liberal are 6x more likely to steal, 10x less likely to donate, virtue signal all day long.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Infowars open forum. Jerry Ford Jr: The Electoral College? 'I say the rules are not fair. If you look at Wyoming votes are stronger than in NY', 'If we have a direct Democracy the southern states will never have a president. The issue was this, there was 40%-50% were slaves, and they had 3/5ths of a vote. The first 4-5 presidents were from Virginia'. 'If you discount California AND New York, Trump won by 3 million votes. The electoral college was set up so only a few places can't always win. There's a great graphic on the NYT where the majority of landmass (85% of counties) went red, so the map was mostly red while the most populous areas were blue. Their strategy is to control those inner cities, and that didn't work this time. This is a year that shows WHY the electoral college exists'. Popular vote. Clinton didn't go go Virginia and other states. The economic message. Changing strategy. 'People are tired of voting democrat and that's why some went red instead of blue'. 'I do question the legitimacy of some of these votes, with a president who fast-tracked immigrants who will vote democrat'. Dead electors and non-citizens and stricter voter ID fraud. Clinton 'undermining the pillar of hypocrisy'. 'They fully expected to win, and didn't expect the backlash that would be those comments. They were trying to demonize Trump, and now the chickens have come to roost'. 'I don't know if Democrats would have organically complained, but Hillary put them in this position. They are upset and want to take action. But there's a lot of false narratives'. 'I agree the MSM that a lot of Hillary supporters felt like they were lied to. At the end of the day there aren't a lot of Hillary supporters protesting, that's mostly Jill Stein supporters' (Huh?) 'Push for faithless electors, and voters in Washington decided to vote for Sanders instead of Clinton. A lot of supporters are upset with Obama and how the DNC was handled. So a lot of supporters are trying to figure out what went wrong and not let it happen again. A fight on the left, and the best thing of a Trump presidency is soul searching, otherwise we'll see probably 8 years of Trump'. Hayes Democrats do everything possible to delegitimize presidency. 'The republican party worked with Obama, a lot of congressmen met up to stand against the president. For Democrats that might not happen, we might have to look at a different strategy' Cabinet picks, Goldman Saches, Drain the swamp. 'I want to give Trump 100 days and a year to see what he does'. Soul searching. 'Democrats had something with Sanders, but got totally railroaded with Hillary. They should have gone back to what would have worked', there was momentum behind Sanders. 'The democratic party needs to bury Clinton to have a future'. Email leaking. 'Lets have an investigation'. 'The establishment was not for Trump or Sanders'. It's a wonderful Lie 100 years of the Federal reserve. China suppresses Christmas while exporting it and making a profit. Captured underwater military drone. One china policy. Building artificial Islands south china sea. Falun Gong, organs on demand.

Recommended videos:
Stefan's Christmas 5 hour special
Why do people have Femenism - It's its own parody
How minimum wages hurts young people
The case for flat tax
Post edited December 24, 2016 by rtcvb32
rtcvb32: Recommended videos
Quite a few there, awesome.

I can stock up for Christmas.
rtcvb32: .
Merry Christmas.

What are you doing for the festive season, celebrating with ex-wifey or alone?
Kleetus: What are you doing for the festive season, celebrating with ex-wifey or alone?
Writing a book. Got probably 30 pages done.

Otherwise i'm probably also going to be getting some alcohol to drink, but that won't be til after my workout later.
rtcvb32: Writing a book.
What's the book about, AJ's biography?

rtcvb32: getting some alcohol to drink
Same, but I have to be careful.

I have alcohol, copious amounts of lube, I'm extremely friendly and have an innate willingness to please, that can be a dangerous combination.
low rated
I wonder... If i promised to stop after my rep gets back to 1100, if suddenly all my posts will be highly rated?

rtcvb32: I wonder... If i promised to stop after my rep gets back to 1100, if suddenly all my posts will be highly rated?

Would you start up again when they get rid of rep?
rtcvb32: I wonder... If i promised to stop after my rep gets back to 1100, if suddenly all my posts will be highly rated?
tinyE: Would you start up again when they get rid of rep?
You mean if my Rep went back under 1100? I'd say probably not, unless there's a really good reason for resuming. I'd probably end up posting interesting news links and commenting on them; but not the daily/hourly summaries as I have since I started.

But this right now is just a philosophical question.
tinyE: Would you start up again when they get rid of rep?
rtcvb32: You mean if my Rep went back under 1100? I'd say probably not, unless there's a really good reason for resuming. I'd probably end up posting interesting news links and commenting on them; but not the daily/hourly summaries as I have since I started.

But this right now is just a philosophical question.
NO I mean, if/when they get rid of rep period.