Microlight: but for now it's so hard to convince friends to use this platform,
In my experience, giving them a game (usually a freebie from a sale) is a good remedy for that.
Good luck convincing them how to figure it out, though. Galaxy, as much as we hate on it here, is usually a good method of luring them in with "Look, see how easy it is?"
Microlight: Is there any way here to do something like that?
It depends.
On Steam, as you mentioned, there's a crapton of uber-popular multiplayer games which you can jump into and find someone, but here, there's very little considering that this is a DRM-free store and most of the games available are single-player. Meet somebody on multiplayer, and for most games, chances are still that it'll be someone using Steam.
So far as the best way to get to know other GOG users, well...you're looking at it. The forum is your best bet. We're nice folks, the disadvantage being that the community tends to be distrusting of newbies (meaning the whole "let me add some random person" tactic commonly seen on Steam and other places will only get you weird looks here) and the fact that many here don't do multiplayer games (if that's what you're looking for).
Your next best shot is the Discord server. I dunno if you're familiar with Discord or not (it's a bit like a modern IRC but with far more capabilities, including a voice chat option), but Pooka's server (there is no "official" GOG server) tends to have a higher amount of multiplayer users as well as a tighter-knit sort of atmosphere. It's pretty easy to start or jump into a conversation depending on who's online.