huan: It CAN be globally disabled last time I looked. Sort of. Not for already installed games, the option only controls default state of the "AUTO-UPDATE" checkbox when installing new game. It's quite possible that newbie gets overwhelmed, clicks on something somewhere without reading and any new games from that moment will not be updating automatically. "download" is also frequently used in place of the more correct "install".
Just in case that is the problem here - it can be turned back on for already installed games. Click on game in the left column, open settings, it should be there somewhere.
skeletonbow: No, there is a global setting that is greyed out and can not be changed. They've indicated that they plan on making it available in the future however, but that is not available right now. The only auto-update setting that is currently user configurable and does anything is individual per-game auto-update settings which are enabled by default and there's no way to make it not default to that.
In either case, Galaxy's "auto-update" settings only pertain to games that are currently installed and registered with Galaxy and show up in the left hand sidebar. Galaxy does not auto-update downloaded backup installers or extras, nor does it even provide any indication that there are any updates available for download for them (like the website/GOG Downloader does).
People are confusing updating a game that is installed, with wanting to download the latest version of a game or its patches in installer EXE format.
I didn't know GOG downloader could provide indication that there's any updates available. i must have forgotten it. Anyhow it doesn't work to be able to log in on it anymore.
klappis: Thanks for the replies! Of course i meant games i already have downloaded on my drive. I think GOG downloader is more easily manageable than GOG Galaxy when downloading games for offline installs but GOG downloader doesn't let me log in and it seems GOG also deleted every GOG downloader thread in the forum which is a shame!
skeletonbow: No, but GOG archived the original forum a couple of years ago to cut down the load on the servers or somesuch, so you can't search the existing forums and find threads that are more than about 2 years old - you have to search the archives to find older forum posts. Galaxy was released around that time and GOG Downloader has never been updated since so nobody's really talked about it much.
You can use Google to make life easier by doing: " GOG Downloader" which should find discussions both in the forums and the archives etc.
Having said that, I'm not sure if you'll find any information truly useful to you in 2016 though as the program hasn't been updated in over two years, and it will probably be removed soon along with the downloader links anyway, as there are broken GOG Downloader links for some games showing up and GOG has been encouraging people to move over to using Galaxy for downloading lately and fixing the broken links as a lower priority. The writing is on the wall...
That explains it! Thanks for letting me know. GOG Galaxy is a bit to cumbersome for me downloading installers and extra stuff. It's hidden in to many clicks for my taste and there seems not be any easy way to keep stuff as installers and extra stuff uploaded on the hard drive.
What GOG could do is to build in a feature in GOG Galaxy that checks the drive containing the exe's and extra stuff to notify if there's any updates available. Like the "Scan and Import Folder" function (which never works) does.