dtgreene: The problem is that excludes legitimate use cases, like using this sort of scripting for accessibility reasons.
Perhaps they should have, instead of banning the whole topic, only ban the things that were actually issues.
Easier said than done.
After various attempts and much deliberation and discussion, it was decided that the only workable solution was a full ban ... they did not do that lightly. Those who run the show are gamers too, and have even created their own bots in the past, so they certainly do have some sympathy.
And yes, there are good user cases, especially for those with a disability. And why stop there. If you are a bit slower than someone and that is impacting your enjoyment of a game, then why not have some assistance.
There are many discussions at the AutoIt forum, both open and private about all the issues.
And no-one is penalized for helping someone privately ... some do I believe, especially if they can be convinced there is a dire need.
Many however adhere to the notion, that what you provide to someone may be shared, which you have no control over.
At the end of the day, the AutoIt Forum is about programming, and there is more than one way to skin a fish. We teach people how to fish, not do it for them. Too many, not just botters, come there wanting quick easy solutions, without bothering to do due diligence. If you are there for the right reason, to learn to code, we are perfectly happy to help you on your journey. There are various ways to get around the ban, but it ain't a quick solution and requires learning.
The AutoIt Forum is not a script-it-for-you kind of place ... not in the Help sections anyway ... though some can't help themselves when it comes to sharing or showing off their talent. And even in the Examples section, we don't create on demand, we just provide a wide variety that you can investigate or use.
dtgreene: (Also, if an online game can be easily ruined with bots, then perhaps the game itself is flawed.)
Mmmm that's a bit like trying to keep ahead of virus writers, a difficult ongoing task.