KiNgBrAdLeY7: Celeste was twice offered for free on Epic, but alas, i missed it... And i was severely disappointed that GOG dropped the ball on that one, even though they advertized it shortly. Want to grab it, but i need to get lucky with epic giveaways, or GOG firing the canceration (curation) department. Both of those odds though, seem to be of tough luck.
I got my copy from when it was half price there (normal price is $20), and I think the game is worth playing for (just note that Celeste is a precision platformer and not a metroidvania, so the focus is less on exploration and more on navigating platforming challenges; while there are secrets to find, none of them improve your character). My copy has no DRM and works just fine on Linux with no issues (so far).
In the meantime, the game actually started life as a little PICO-8 game before the developer made it into a full commercial release. You can still play that game (which can be considered a prototype) for free at (note that this link plays sound): You should probably mention which game you're talking about in your post, as multiple games have been mentioned (Hollow Knight, Ori, Timespinner, Celeste), and those games can be quite different, despite 3 of them being metroidvanias.