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fr33kSh0w2012: Even before that, THINK witcher 1 and G@y relationships that was a MASSIVE RED FLAG for me.
ReynardFox: You can have progressive elements without being 'woke', (For example, compare classic Star Trek to the insufferable, woke trash it's become today) so I'm not ready to call some optional gay content in a game that old part of the same forced, preachy cultural marxism going on nowadays. Plus CDPR even today has no issue with making their men and women traditionally masculine or feminine and both being fit and attractive. Aside from some dumb censorship moves like no cards in Witcher 2, for me I think, the jury is still out on them.

GOG as an entity in and of itself though? They've been infiltrated by this full-blown regressive clown shoes shit properly for a long time.
Another political thread without bans/locks.Very, very, interesting.
Just so sick of This sh!t
Someone removed what i said wtf
ReynardFox: What do you mean going woke? They've been this way for years, the first truly prominent sign of this was the unjust firing of Linko over an innocuous tweet.
fr33kSh0w2012: Even before that, THINK witcher 1 and G@y relationships that was a MASSIVE RED FLAG for me.
Honestly, I don't remember gay relationships in the first Witcher.
LootHunter: Honestly, I don't remember gay relationships in the first Witcher.
He went out of his way to play it that way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Post edited March 09, 2022 by Rineux
fr33kSh0w2012: Even before that, THINK witcher 1 and G@y relationships that was a MASSIVE RED FLAG for me.
LootHunter: Honestly, I don't remember gay relationships in the first Witcher.
I've actually seen it and some of it is was kind of unavoidable.

Oh the low rating - Truth hurts and that's why you low rate me.
Post edited March 09, 2022 by fr33kSh0w2012