aRealCyborg: I asked a game developer why his game is not coming to GoG and he is afraid that if he puts it on GoG he would lose a lot of revenue. He feels that GoG is a big reason in the pirating arena because of the DRM-Free versions of the game and does not feel like it is worth having his game on any other platform then itch or Steam.
I hope you you get the developer permission to post the question here, not that you need, but I feel this kind of posts always contribute to alienate the dev/costumer relationship. With that said, you can eventually link the dev to this thread so they can see "our side" as well.
Pirating may be a problem nowadays but nothing compared to the past days. Pirates are much more conscientious, many people still buy the game even after get a cracked pirated copy, I did that on past. The argument "support the developer" is quite understood.
I can remember as a kid, where some older friends with computers didn't own a single original floppy. Some may own 1 or 2 cassete on a long Spectrum games list. Those times piracy was indeed a problem! Today most games sell resonably well if it's a good game. The gaming market is freaking huge and although games cost much more to develop, there are space for every one. The ratio between sold copys and pirated are MUCH smaller...
Another argument is that in the past, some people made games to launch the career, today most games are made with profit in first place.
Aaack, Steam and "internet" contributed much more to piracy that any DRM free version available. Even today I went out to buy a used DVD game. Do that with Steam games O.o