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CthuluIsSpy: That's a new one, what's the compromised program?
Gersen: As in "malware" created with the sole purpose of taking advantage of Galaxy flaw.
Oh right, so something really specific that you can carelessly download. That's fine I guess, as long as it's not like the RCE Dark Souls exploit.
low rated
Ajax1983: Hi,

So I heard a while back the GOG Galaxy has been compromised (in some technical way that I don't really understand) that gives a third party admin control of the computer the platform is installed on.

Can anyone confirm this? Is it safe to use the platform?


it has severe security issues and is buggy as hell. so to put it simple, its as safe as picking up soap in prison shower or joining isis or playing russian roulette with a loaded ak-47 ... actually its as safe as doing those 3 things at once
low rated
It's full of Ukrainian bots paid by the United Nations and Resident Biden.
low rated
Trooper1270: No!, it's not safe, especially if you eat too much of it. Too much chocolate makes you fat and you could end up with type two...
Who can eat an entire galaxy?
low rated
Wishmaster777: Who can eat an entire galaxy?
Well, galaxy's are available in quite a number of different sizes, 42 grams, 114 grams, 300 grams etc. So I guess it depends on the size one chooses to consume...