adaliabooks: I'm not sure whether it's related (or just because it's failing and retrying), but when I hover over Agent's avatar I get three AJAX calls rather then the one everyone else gets.. they all fail (and I get the sorry can't retrieve details error in the actual pop up)
If I'm logged out I only get one, so I imagine it's just retrying.. but you never know.
Everyone else gets three AJAX calls too, but they don't look into network panel, and interpret that in their own way. If you'd open the address that is being called, you would see the GOGbear itself. :)
2 retries are there on any error - timeout - so it tries again in case of temporary network outage or high ping - 50x - so it tries again in case of one of the servers is not responding correctly for some reason, etc.
Anyway, we know everything that we need from your side. I have an idea about the reason of errors, but I don't know the
direct reason behind that reason. ;)
Unfortunately, the above doesn't mean it's going to be fixed very soon in the developers world. :P
We need to go deeper first. /me wants to be transparent, but sounds enigmatic