Posted April 23, 2018

Registered: Apr 2010
From Poland

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Netherlands
Posted April 23, 2018
lol mine's showing 50h played despite my games list only having one game with any game time and it's 1 minute. Maybe it's supposed to be 50 seconds.
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Soldier in Love
Registered: Dec 2013
From Italy

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted April 23, 2018
high rated
I don't. Let me hide the number of games I own. How on earth did you arrive at a set up where with everything set to max privacy this is still publicly displayed?
Come on. I'm not being unreasonable here. I know I can come off as paranoid or obnoxious sometimes, I get overly worked up about some stuff. I know. But this is not one of those times. I just want my "profile" which I didn't want in the first place to entirely, 100% private. Please, fix this.
Come on. I'm not being unreasonable here. I know I can come off as paranoid or obnoxious sometimes, I get overly worked up about some stuff. I know. But this is not one of those times. I just want my "profile" which I didn't want in the first place to entirely, 100% private. Please, fix this.
Post edited April 23, 2018 by Breja

Old-ish User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United Kingdom

That PR Guy Team
Registered: Oct 2011
From Poland

Rainy Day Person
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted April 23, 2018
low rated

Also, yay, the game library option is indeed locked to GOG-only and thus mostly useless for me. Hooray. :/
Post edited April 23, 2018 by Jeysie

Old-ish User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted April 23, 2018

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted April 23, 2018
high rated

Also, yay, the game library option is indeed locked to GOG-only and thus mostly useless for me. Hooray. :/

Rainy Day Person
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted April 23, 2018
low rated
OK, I'll equate right things with being right. Offering Facebook logins as an option is convenient for people who want to avail themselves of it and also does things like help protect against password theft by reducing the number of passwords you're giving out/creating. It can also provide cloud backups for things like savegames.
Like I said earlier, it's a tradeoff. Some people are OK with giving some of their data because the convenience is worth it to them. Other people are more concerned about as much privacy as possible.
And the problem here is that the "as much privacy as possible" people keep screaming bloody murder when companies offer options to the "tradeoff" people. How about you not do that? If you don't want to use an option, then don't, and likewise you have the right to ask for an opt-out so you can truly not use it.
But stop then going on to complain because other people who aren't you get options for their own use.
paladin181: You are kidding right? There is no sensitive personal data being released here. I'm all for the concept of the default should protect the user, not exploit. But this isn't against the GDPR. But don't you know? Finding out you played The Witcher for 5 hours last week and you own some Sierra games too is just sooooooooooo personal and surely going to ruin your life forever if the web finds out about your super sekrit Fallout obsession. [/s]
Like honestly, it's just silly listening to some of the people handwringing over "oh no people can see all of my library!" If you're that ashamed of being a gamer, maybe you should find a hobby you're more proud of?
Also with people complaining about forum replies being visible: google " [your username]" because GOG's forums are public webpages. It's already not secret anyway. This is what I meant about the genie being out of the bottle and privacy options being bandaids on arterial wounds and not putting on the internet anything you don't want known at all.
Like I said earlier, it's a tradeoff. Some people are OK with giving some of their data because the convenience is worth it to them. Other people are more concerned about as much privacy as possible.
And the problem here is that the "as much privacy as possible" people keep screaming bloody murder when companies offer options to the "tradeoff" people. How about you not do that? If you don't want to use an option, then don't, and likewise you have the right to ask for an opt-out so you can truly not use it.
But stop then going on to complain because other people who aren't you get options for their own use.

Like honestly, it's just silly listening to some of the people handwringing over "oh no people can see all of my library!" If you're that ashamed of being a gamer, maybe you should find a hobby you're more proud of?
Also with people complaining about forum replies being visible: google " [your username]" because GOG's forums are public webpages. It's already not secret anyway. This is what I meant about the genie being out of the bottle and privacy options being bandaids on arterial wounds and not putting on the internet anything you don't want known at all.
Post edited April 23, 2018 by Jeysie

Asuka Tanaka
Registered: Nov 2011
From Taiwan

That PR Guy Team
Registered: Oct 2011
From Poland
Posted April 23, 2018
Could you please submit a ticket to our support, ideally with screenshots attached. From the backend all looks to be ok, but if you say there are any errors, it would be good to check it. Thanks.

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted April 23, 2018
high rated

I'm glad to see you're here and monitoring the thread. Any chance you might want to respond in any way to the issue with certain information being displayed publicly even with all options set to private?
Post edited April 23, 2018 by Breja

Rainy Day Person
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted April 23, 2018
low rated

Which I guess doesn't surprise me, since these threads in general have been all about some people engaging in mass hysteria over GOG finally offering a feature many other people had asked for.
Since you're here, do you think there's any chance of asking the highups to offer any way for those of us with non-GOG friends to share our libraries with them? :/

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted April 23, 2018
high rated