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Connect your Steam account and grow or jumpstart your library.

UPDATE: Last chance to grab your games from the original list! Make sure to get them until June 8, 12:59 PM UTC.

Want more games? We've got more games! Three new titles are now available through GOG Connect:

- Kona
- Defender's Quest
- Door Kickers

You can get them until June 13, 1:59 PM UTC.

Today, we're launching a new program called <span class="bold">GOG Connect</span>. The premise is simple: connect your Steam account and add your eligible games to your library.

Whether you're checking us out for the first time or have been with us for a while, <span class="bold">GOG Connect</span> gets you DRM-free versions of your games, digital extras, and a whole lot of freedom of choice (like whether you go with the GOG Galaxy client or not). It gets you our take on game ownership, and we say: why buy the games more than once?

Thanks to our awesome partners including Deep Silver, Harebrained Schemes, Jonathan Blow's Number None, TaleWorlds and more, you can now add more than 20 games to your library if you previously purchased them on Steam.

The full list of games will always be available on, starting with these and more:

- The Witness
- FTL: Faster Than Light
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
- Galactic Civilizations 3
- Trine Enchanted Edition
- Saints Row 2
- Shadowrun Returns
- The Witcher: Enhanced Edition

While <span class="bold">GOG Connect</span> will stick around, the available games will come and go. These are limited-time offers made possible by participating developers and publishers, so stay tuned as we bring new titles onboard in the future (and grab your copies before they go away)!

For a bit more library-building, a bunch of our favorite titles will also be discounted up to -85% all week long, including The Witness, Saints Row: The Third, System Shock 2 and more. You can check out all the deals here. The sale will last until June 6, 12:59 PM UTC.
Broforce? Since I have it on Steam.
You guys think that next time you drop a bunch of games into this, you can add some sort of notification [like an email] that a) games were added, and b) a notification when the account link finishes in the case of "Due to exceedingly high demand, processing the queue may take up to several days. Don't worry, you will be able to add your games regardless of the wait. You can close this page now. Return later to manually add the games to your library."

I can't be the only person who doesn't visit the site daily and therefor missed the opportunity to actually grab what few games I have on Steam that you guys have opened up so far for Connect [in my case, just FTL from the first batch], and because of that 'high demand/could take several days', I missed the entire window as I never saw notice that it finished.
Stupid random question (I'll be surprised if I happen to be the first one to ask it, but whatever): How do you access the Connect page from GOG's general interface? I mean, sure, there's a link on the news post, or you might just type "" on your address bar, but is there any link to it in GOG's actual menu system? Are they trying to keep it a secret? Am I just dumb for not having found it?
Chandoraa: Stupid random question (I'll be surprised if I happen to be the first one to ask it, but whatever): How do you access the Connect page from GOG's general interface? I mean, sure, there's a link on the news post, or you might just type "" on your address bar, but is there any link to it in GOG's actual menu system? Are they trying to keep it a secret? Am I just dumb for not having found it?
As per now, no, there's no direct link from the main page. It wouldn't be of much use though, since there are no new redeemable games. I guess they'll put a link/button on the main page whenever (if ever :S) new games are added to the Connect program.
Chandoraa: Stupid random question (I'll be surprised if I happen to be the first one to ask it, but whatever): How do you access the Connect page from GOG's general interface? I mean, sure, there's a link on the news post, or you might just type "" on your address bar, but is there any link to it in GOG's actual menu system? Are they trying to keep it a secret? Am I just dumb for not having found it?
No, you're not the only one to ask about it:

Before the summer sale, the "Gog Connect" tile could be seen "right underneath the big spot that's constantly rotating" as one of the blue guys has said. I think it will come back after the sale. Right now, there's no way to access the GOG Connect through the main GOG page.
Yay, I'm not dumb! :-)
DragonlordJoe: You guys think that next time you drop a bunch of games into this, you can add some sort of notification [like an email] that a) games were added, and b) a notification when the account link finishes in the case of "Due to exceedingly high demand, processing the queue may take up to several days. Don't worry, you will be able to add your games regardless of the wait. You can close this page now. Return later to manually add the games to your library."

I can't be the only person who doesn't visit the site daily and therefor missed the opportunity to actually grab what few games I have on Steam that you guys have opened up so far for Connect [in my case, just FTL from the first batch], and because of that 'high demand/could take several days', I missed the entire window as I never saw notice that it finished.
Same issue here. It said that we would receive our games, regardless of the wait. Well, I never received mine, and I've had an open support ticket for a week now.
I agree with having some sort of notification email/process when games become eligible. For me personally, this feels much more like a lottery than a gratis feature. I repeatedly attempted to add Connect to my account since inception (2-3) time per day and it never went through. Today, it finally worked with the message "No Eligible Games Found, " somewhat of an anti-climax. :/
Post edited June 17, 2016 by peterkoerner
Gog could sed emails every second but we're still stuck with the fact that Steam's API can only take like 100.000 requests daily. And only considers base games. I managed to get three games out of this (SRR, To The Moon and FTL) but considering how this started, we can only expect two kinds of games from this service: games that are early access and/or games that have been featured in steam bundles a number of times. Almost every game featured in GOG Connect falls undr one of these categories at least.
Multisensory: Same issue here. It said that we would receive our games, regardless of the wait. Well, I never received mine, and I've had an open support ticket for a week now.
Glad I'm not the only one who hasn't got a reply.
Not sure if this has been asked, but are there any plans for this feature to work both ways? For example, I bought Starbound on GOG, but one can only get the nightlies through Steam.
peterkoerner: Today, it finally worked with the message "No Eligible Games Found, " somewhat of an anti-climax. :/
At the moment, there are no games covered by Connect at all. The full list of connectable but unavailable games is listed below the list of available games (unavailable games are those that you already have on GOG, or don't have on Steam). As you have noticed, both lists are empty right now.
Quinch: Not sure if this has been asked, but are there any plans for this feature to work both ways? For example, I bought Starbound on GOG, but one can only get the nightlies through Steam.
Probably not.
Quinch: Not sure if this has been asked, but are there any plans for this feature to work both ways? For example, I bought Starbound on GOG, but one can only get the nightlies through Steam.
Very unlikely. GOG can't create Steam codes or add anything to your Steam library, and they wouldn't want to if they could. You might have some luck asking the developers, especially if you tell them that the reason is that you'd like access to the nightlies.

All updates on GOG are curated by GOG so you don't get them as soon as the developer releases them. This is nice in its own way, as every update is a "known good", but we really do need a way to switch to a different sequence of updates so that devs can push directly to customers who want to play the latest version immediately.
peterkoerner: Today, it finally worked with the message "No Eligible Games Found, " somewhat of an anti-climax. :/
Gaerzi: At the moment, there are no games covered by Connect at all. The full list of connectable but unavailable games is listed below the list of available games (unavailable games are those that you already have on GOG, or don't have on Steam). As you have noticed, both lists are empty right now.
Yes, I understand that. Taking that sentence in context with my entire post relates back to my lottery comment. On the day I'm finally able to connect, my "game scratch off ticket' didn't have the winning number and thus, an anti-climax for me. At any rate, I like the feature, just wish they were more up front about the API limit and hope to obtain cross over games in the near future.