esaliisa: That kind of stuff makes it me feel bit uneasy about grey market games in general, since how could you verify that the key you bought has been procured using legal methods and not be deactivated after short period of time?
muntdefems: If it's a GOG key, it hasn't. As simple as that.
I think you did not understand the point about this article. Credit card fraud is just a big issue for gOg as it is for Steam or IndieGameStand.
1) Scamer steals credit card numbers
2) Scaner buys x amount of gift codes on gOg with fraudulent cards
3) Scamer sells said gift codes on G2A
4) Scamer gets load of real monies
5) Owners of credit card notices something is wrong
6) Owners of credit cards goes reports offence, starts charge back rocedures
7) gOg paies charge back amounts
8) gOg voids and nulls the gift keys fraudulently bought, removing the games from any account they have been activated on
The winner is the fraudster, who have laundered monies, the losers are gOg and the buyer of the key on G2A.