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Have you ever encountered another character in a game with the same name you gave to your character? Not in an MMO, I'd expect that wouldn't necessarily be too uncommon. I mean, a character who was given a name by the game developers.

It's happened to me. Twice now.

First time, I was playing Tropico 4. This was between 2 & 3 years ago. With the game being based in the tropics, I figured I'd name my island leader something hispanic sounding. Thus when prompted to enter a name, I decided to be El Diablo Guapo (the handsome devil). And then mid-way through the game, I encounter an NPC named....El Diablo. Not a complete match, but darned close enough to make me go "HA HA!!"

Now I'm playing Shadowrun: Hong Kong, and I'm using an old character of mine that I created years ago for a tabletop game of Shadowrun. Everyone else in the group wanted to be an Elf for the Agility bonuses, so I went the opposite way by creating a powerhouse Troll. I tried to think of a good Troll name, when I remembered that in the 80s, Sir Oliver Humperdink came to the WWF to manage Bam Bam Bigelow. He was an unusual looking fellow, and his enemy Bobby Heenan dubbed him "The ugly little red-headed troll." Ok, so I'll combine his gimmick name (Oliver) with his real life last name (Sutton).....Oliver Sutton. But I still needed a street name for him. Well, before Humperdink came to WWF, he worked down south and was given a different nickname by a different enemy....."The Rooster." So there it was, I decided he had a tuft of bright red hair & that his name would be Oliver Sutton, aka The Rooster. I loved that character, so when I started playing the Shadowrun video games here on GOG, naturally I was a Troll named "Rooster." And now, mid-way through SR:HK, wouldn't you know I get a mission to kidnap a crime boss whose street name is....Rooster. But he's not a big, badass Troll. He's more of a scrawny Elf weasel, tbh.

So, how about the rest of you? Had any names you THOUGHT would be unique, but weren't?
Post edited December 10, 2018 by ChaunceyK
That happened one time, with Dragon Age.

Needless to say I was shocked to meet an elf named Holden McGroin.
Post edited December 10, 2018 by tinyE
Apparently, in the Game Boy Color version of Dragon Warrior 3, you can't name your character Eric because there's a character with that name in the game.

There are other forbidden names, but they're unlikely to be the player's real name; the only other one I can see a player trying and getting rejected is Loto (Erdrick in other translations), which is the name of the legendary hero mentioned in the first two games. (There is an actual reason you can't use that name, but it's a major ending spoiler.)

Naming the character after the final boss is also forbidden.

The game also has cursed names, such as AAAA. You can use these names, but if you try to rename the character once you find the character who lets you do so (not possible on FC/NES, but possible in remakes), you will have to pay 5,000 gold to rename that character.
Happened to me in Shadowrun: Returns, I had named my character "coyote" only to later encounter a NPC called "Coyote". In the attached image you can see the dialog where it appears I'm about to rescue myself. Coyote is not really a unique name, but I still found that moment fun.
Sometimes I use my real name to name my character. In one Pokémon game I battled an NPC trainer with the same name.
Personally it never happened to me, but they have already refused to me a name because a character in the game had the same name

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Post edited February 28, 2019 by avensis18
I once tried to create a Facebook account with the nickname EvilDataCaptureLord but apparently is was reserved.
nightcraw1er.488: I once tried to create a Facebook account with the nickname EvilDataCaptureLord but apparently is was reserved.
Similar thing happened to me when I tried to log into the InfoWars forum using "ParanoidLunatic".
Post edited December 10, 2018 by tinyE
In Shadow Hearts I had a confusing moment. I named my character Malice, which led to real confusion during the tutorial when the game was talking about "... building Malice" as in the energy needed to level up your transformations. But as it didn't explain exactly what Malice was, I quickly got confused until I played the game months later with a different name.
It happened to me in Dragon Age: Origins when I had created an elven player character named Ehlora and later on in the game met an NPC named Elora. An elf as well, if I remember correctly.
In Persona 4, I accidentally gave the mc the same last name as the murderer which would have been really confusing if I hadn't restarted.
I have never met an npc in any game named either Banjo Dragon or Xylander Lysurgis - and those are the two names I almost always name my characters.
Of course, imagine if the player's choice of name happened to have an unusual effect. I note that, in Dragon Quest 1, your name affects your stats, and may determine whether you can realistically (without RNG manipulation) beat the game at level 18, or whether you need to reach level 20 for a good shot at victory.

What makes me think of this is actually a quirk of the NES version of Dragon Warrior 2; if you name your character "uHkd" (case sensitive, only the second letter is capitalized), you will notice some strange things going on until you save the game.
I just like getting kicked out of the game when I tell Cookie my name is "F*** Y**" in You Don't Know Jack
Never really happened to me, but I imagine it'll be fairly amusing if it ever happens.