Posted April 23, 2015

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The Reluctant Voter
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Queso de Espacio
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Need fresh blood :)
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The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City

New User
Registered: Jun 2009
From Australia
Posted April 23, 2015

After the process is complete (we're anticipating it'll take a bit less than a week, but that's not a set-in-stone timeframe), the below is the titles you can expect on your shelves (if you have the games, of course):
King's Quest
King's Quest 2 - romancing the throne
King's Quest 3 - To Heir is Human
King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella
King's Quest 5 - Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder
King's Quest 6 - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

Also I suggest that you find different covers for the different Quest for Glory games (the same way you did for the KQ series). It'd look far better.
EDIT: In fact you should try to do the same for every game where the covers were repeated (ex: Megarace 1+2; MAX 1+2). I know this is merely a cosmetic issue but the end result would look really nice.
Thanks in advance.

GOG is dead.
Registered: Mar 2010
From Vatican City
Posted April 23, 2015

A website that seriously bungles up the first wave of unbundling, then does much the same on the second wave a month later, despite all that has been posted here?
A website that cannot bother to develop a half-decent forum search in seven years?
A website that blocks access to part of its own catalogue for 12 days?
A website that manipulates its own users' community wishlist?
A website that renounces all its core values, but one?
Oh, and the cover front the Might and Magic (RPG) series, after the butchering:
Might & Magic 1: Do a literal google image search on "might & magic cover book 1", take the first picture, redo the middle part a bit. The real cover looks like this:
Might & Magic 2 cover is some random photoshop job. the real one looks like this:
Might & Magic 3: not much difference, GOG one has moved the title text to the bottom, real cover art is
Might & Magic 4+5: cropped image of the Might & Magic 4 cover, Also, if you insist on unbundling, why didn't you unbundle 4+5? Their are both standalone games and could be linked together to unlock more quests and storyline. Oh, I guess this was not on the compilation CD *smirk*.
Real Might & Magic 4 cover:
Real Might & Magic 5 cover:
Real Might & Magic 4+5 World of Xeen cover art:
Might & Magic 6: halfway decent, but also cropped:
Might & Magic 7: surprisingly decent original cover art.
Might & Magic 8: original cover art, but also cropped like 6 to remove the bottom text part (the T rating etc)
Might & Magic 9: original cover art, but also cropped like 6 to remove the bottom text part (the T rating etc)
Would be neat though if you could import the covers from Wikipedia or similar.
Post edited April 23, 2015 by coffeecup

Adventure Fan
Registered: Apr 2009
From Canada

Registered: Apr 2009
From United States
Posted April 24, 2015

Ultima II
Ultima III
Ultima IV
Ultima Underworld I (because U is between I and V)
Ultima Underworld II
Ultima V
Ultima VI
Ultima VII - Serpent Isle (This is the second part of Ultima 7)
Ultima VII - The Black Gate + The Forge of Virtue (followed by the first part...)
Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams (now they start to use : instead of - to delimit title and subtitle)
Then GOG suddenly switches from Roman numerals to Arabian numerals for the remaining Ultimas
Ultima™ 4: Quest of the Avatar (again Ultima 4, this time the free one, but with added ™ and subtitle)
Ultima™ 8 Gold Edition
Ultima™ 9: Ascension
and a long way down the list, with a lot of Wing Commanders, Wallace and Gromits and Witchers between them...
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire
Now that's what GOG considers logic when it comes to ordering games!
Post edited April 24, 2015 by mrkgnao

New User
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted April 24, 2015
I have noticed that shelf box art for KQ3 is not right. It shows that box art for KQ2. Can this be fixed?

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From Canada
Posted April 24, 2015
Post edited April 24, 2015 by Dartpaw86

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From Canada
Posted April 24, 2015
"This" is what they should use for Quest for Glory 1. The fact they just reuse the same image for all the games really ticks me off.

Grumpy Old Man
Registered: Dec 2009
From Australia
Posted April 24, 2015
THe more I think about it, the more I think being able to have our own custom box art would be awesome.
Of course it would be mostly pointless for me, personally, as I have over the magic number (626) so I can't use the shelf anyway. Doesn't mean it would not be a way neat cool rad option.
Of course it would be mostly pointless for me, personally, as I have over the magic number (626) so I can't use the shelf anyway. Doesn't mean it would not be a way neat cool rad option.

Linux Geek
Registered: Feb 2011
From Canada
Posted April 24, 2015

Of course it would be mostly pointless for me, personally, as I have over the magic number (626) so I can't use the shelf anyway. Doesn't mean it would not be a way neat cool rad option.
<div class="shelf_game ui-draggable" data-gameindex="the_11th_hour" data-gameid="1207659000" ...>
(data-gameindex is how I import from shelf view with my importer. That's why I'm still working on a fix for some of the breakages caused by the unbundling where the "generate the game's title from the gameindex" fallback fails.)
Post edited April 24, 2015 by ssokolow