Testing is all well and good, but we can keep running tests until the cows come home, leave, come back, open a bed and breakfast, run for governor, and get ground into hamburger meat, but none of that will change the fact that what we really need is some good, thorough testing (especially in view of all the aforementioned preliminary results which, although not entirely unbiased, have been properly calibrated to the standard set by all appropriate organizations in conjunction with such practices), even though such testing would imply the necessity of a complete overhaul of the entire system, thereby compromising the security of the project, and requiring us to start over from scratch, flamethrowers or not!
EDIT: After noticing your latest post upon completion of my miraculously non-run-on previous sentence, I would like to add that your dedication to such a worthwhile (and of course I'm using that term very liberally) cause is quite commendable (or was that combustible? I always confuse the two in the context of flamethrowers); however, I do indeed believe that you focus too much on resolution, as it were, because after all, it's the journey, not the destination, that gives you blisters on your feet, and as for resolution, mine is currently (and might I add, nearly always) set to 1920x1080, and I'm perfectly content with it, which is not to say that I wouldn't welcome an upgrade were it presented to me free of charge, nor would I shun anyone who did present such an offer to me.
Post edited April 06, 2016 by HeresMyAccount