sanscript: Mission Mojave is heavenly outdated and hasn't been actively touched since 2015 (the devs themselves called it the "finalised" version).
Better go with
Yukichigai Unofficial Patch +
Unofficial Patch NVSE Until GOG changes the forum that won't happen.
EDIT: I totally forgot; I meant NVSE not Plus. Been a awhile ;)
Crosmando: But do those unofficial patches include the fixes from MM?
That, I'm not sure about, and since it's been taken over and updated by other people, as has happened a lot lately with older mods that haven't been updated for years, I can't 100% recommend it unless you're entirely cool with said updaters' ideas of what the mechanics should be, as opposed to simply fixing bugs, errors and leaving things like mechanics and content the eff alone. I don't use it at all, I use MM and thus far, it's been fine.
That said, I don't run a huge mod load.
My list right now consists of:
Roberts Body Replacer for better NPCs
Type 4 Body replacer for better female NPCs
Ojo Bueno
MG's Neat Clutter pack
Interior Lighting Overhaul
NV Interiors
Book of Water
Book of Steel
Book of Flesh
NV Bounties I-III
Wasteland Flora Overhaul
Ground cover Overhaul
Spice of Life (I really enjoy this, as it adds things like dufflebags, rucksacks, and a large variety of lore friendly clothes and armors.)
Megaton Hairs
Distributed Necklaces and chains
You could probably get away with eliminating things like the replacers and a few other things from this list, tbf, if you're just looking for bug fixes and nothing that changes the visuals.