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0Grapher: What has happened here?
JDelekto: Pillars of Eternity

penis or vagina?
LesterKnight99: wine.

Diarrhea or constipation?
0Grapher: ^judging from your rep you are trolling
OK, I admit it, I provided a response to a thread which should have ended it.

However, no, someone side-stepped it as I did their response as well. I mean heck, if one person can bend the rules, why can't I?

I followed the rules of the game, if I'm a troll for doing that, then all persons who followed the rules are trolls.

No, I am not a troll. But if you and others' see me differently, I'll concede.
0Grapher: What has happened here?

^judging from your rep you are trolling
JDelekto: OK, I admit it, I provided a response to a thread which should have ended it.

However, no, someone side-stepped it as I did their response as well. I mean heck, if one person can bend the rules, why can't I?

I followed the rules of the game, if I'm a troll for doing that, then all persons who followed the rules are trolls.

No, I am not a troll. But if you and others' see me differently, I'll concede.
I think 0Grapher's point was mostly about Lester ("judging from your rep") skipping your post ("what happened here : [2 posts sequence]") to insert his own poo joke.
JDelekto: Constitution

Liberty or Freedom?
imo liberty because it sounds way cooler than stupid old freedom (Mel Gibson killed freedom for me)


underwater station or space station?
Under water station because if you are under water, then you are at least on Earth...

House Lannister or House Stark?
Post edited May 24, 2015 by monkeydelarge
0Grapher: What has happened here?

^judging from your rep you are trolling
JDelekto: OK, I admit it, I provided a response to a thread which should have ended it.

However, no, someone side-stepped it as I did their response as well. I mean heck, if one person can bend the rules, why can't I?

I followed the rules of the game, if I'm a troll for doing that, then all persons who followed the rules are trolls.

No, I am not a troll. But if you and others' see me differently, I'll concede.
What??? How was I implying that you were trolling? If you look again at the two posts I quoted you'll see that LesterKnight99 did not follow the rules and since he has -55 rep I could imagine that he enjoys trolling.
monkeydelarge: House Lannister or House Stark?
I don't know.

Oh, I guess it means jon snow. House Stark then, or ...have I created a paadox ?

AAAAAAnyway :

Facepalm or rolleyes ?
toxicTom: Beer, Wine, Champaign or Scotch.
Telika: Scotch. SCOTCH ! Hate the rest.
Peh ! Anglophile !

(Edit : even though I am no fan of champaign either)
Post edited May 24, 2015 by Potzato
Telika: Scotch. SCOTCH ! Hate the rest.
Potzato: Peh ! Anglophile !
Not sure the scots would interpret it like that.
Potzato: Peh ! Anglophile !
Telika: Not sure the scots would interpret it like that.
They kinda voted (... but fair enough :-)

And britophile or scottophile sounds dirty (more the latter).
Post edited May 24, 2015 by Potzato
rolleyes: I like my brain cells :)

American, European or East Asian comics?
Post edited May 24, 2015 by 0Grapher
0Grapher: American, European or East Asian comics?

Free Jazz or Death Metal?
0Grapher: rolleyes: I like my brain cells :)

American, European or Japanese comics?
European - quickly answered in hope that Potzato will stop chasing me around with his axe.

0Grapher: American, European or East Asian comics?
almabrds: American.

Free Jazz or Death Metal?
Gah. Free jazz (by far) - quickly answered in order to merge the split streams.

Conan Doyle or Agatha Christie ?
Post edited May 24, 2015 by Telika
You was ninja'd.
Please answer my question.
Edit: thx! :p
Post edited May 24, 2015 by almabrds
Conan Doyle

Norse mythology or Greek mythology?
Post edited May 24, 2015 by 0Grapher
0Grapher: Conan Doyle

Norse mythology or Greek mythology?
Greek mythology.

Sci-fi or medieval fantasy?