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I suffered a little bit of atrophy after an unexplained series of neurological symptoms. It left me clumsy, trippy, and the weak feeling in my legs had me finding it difficult to stay standing in one spot for any length of time. It took a couple of years to get confident enough with a cane, and medication which finally got me off the cane.

Though that's nothing compared to what you're going through. I feared the gradual loss of balance and ability to walk over time, you have faced that and far worse. I am so glad you are showing improvement! The joy you must have felt resonates. I think I understand that feeling, if only a little - the happiness I felt ditching my cane (well, most days), being able to walk in a supermarket without fear of falling, being able to walk down steps, it's such a simple thing we take so much for granted yet for others it's little more than a dream.

Congrats, OFG. Here's to many more steps to come.

My number is 101.
Post edited September 01, 2024 by Braggadar
Congratulations on that much recovery!

And good call setting an end time for this giveaway. I remembered the endless number posting from a previous time... :D

I'll toss in my hat for 501.
OldFatGuy: Well, when I did one paragraph at a time, it posted all except for one. And I have scanned every character in that paragraph twice and I can't see the problem for the life of me. Sometimes I hate these forums. lol
You might have used a regular but blacklisted word like uni-versity without the hyphen, which is blacklisted because gog's approach to fighting spam is decidedly medieval (or possibly post-apocalyptic?)

I figure the number could also be 748.

Psst, you ended up with an edited post, so need to post again to participate. :)
101. Sorry about that.
Two Hours until deadline.
Okay, a little late (lol I was walking again and didn't realize the time) but it's closed. I will now find the winner.
Okay, I've gone through twice, and the valid guesses I see are these:


and this one:

ppavee: Another guess 240.
Which is the winner, because the number is 268, and 240 was the closest.

Code has been sent. Congratulations.
capture3.jpg (92 Kb)
Thank you for the game and hosting OldFatGuy!
Congratulations on your recovery journey.
I hope you continue to improve.