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low rated
Keith_I2: I could go to the bank and get a debit card and put something in the wallet. And YOU are still assuming... my brother did not use the game in any way. All he did was order it and left it up to me to download it with his account.
As I asked before, why didn't your brother buy gift codes with the money you gave him, then send you the codes to use on your account? That would work and be more easy to do than what you're doing now.

Also a request/suggestion: Try not to insult people too is not only somewhat rude, but it turns some people off wanting to help you/be nice to you & is somewhat frowned upon by the staff here.


Maxvorstadt: @Keith_12:
One question: Why didn`t you make an own account and let your brother simply gift the games to you?
He already has his own account, I believe.....and I asked him that same thing answer so far.


SirPrimalform: I kind of already assumed this was the case, but he's admitted that he isn't in the same household so that "concession" doesn't really apply here. He's just straight up sharing his brother's account, which isn't great.
I will likely get flak(not from you, I mean in general) for this, but: Imo the sharing thing should work in small families even if one lives in another residence.....because it's essentially still the same-ish number of people and they're still family.

That said, I think he and his brother should buy more copies to support the site if they are going to play the same game copies at the same(or so) time.

SirPrimalform: I guess I'm wondering why he even made the account he's using here if he just downloads games from his brother's account? And why didn't his brother send him gift codes? The number of ridiculous things here, I am starting to be convinced by the suggestion that he's just a troll.
I asked the same thing earlier...why doesn't his brother just send him the gift codes for his games? :\
Post edited May 22, 2020 by GameRager
low rated
My brother doesn't play games. Nowhere in my postings did I say different. A lot of comments on this site is self opinionated and failure to actually read what someone actually says.
low rated
Keith_I2: I just got a reply from DETLEF BARFKNECHT at Topware. He says without a password, he can't help. If I could somehow remember the password I wouldn't need his help. D U H
This is why you should always write down your logins and passwords somewhere safe and secure....and then make another copy as backup and also keep it somewhere safe and secure.

Keith_I2: Anyhow, I've ordered a debit card from my bank. I'll fatten up the GOG wallet and try from that route.
Well good luck to ya....I hope you start having some fun buying and adding games to your account, as there are many good ones here to choose from.

Keith_I2: My brother doesn't play games. Nowhere in my postings did I say different. A lot of comments on this site is self opinionated and failure to actually read what someone actually says.
My mistake.....that said, one catches more flies with honey than vinegar, as the saying goes.....even if people react with skepticism the best route is usually to still remain civil.
Keith_I2: I was probably in Vietnam fighting for his freedom maybe even before he was oven borne.
I don't know if you are a troll but at least you are pretty funny.
Keith_I2: My brother doesn't play games. Nowhere in my postings did I say different. A lot of comments on this site is self opinionated and failure to actually read what someone actually says.
Your brother doesn`t play games, but makes an account on a games selling website? Does anyone here believe that faery tale?
low rated
Keith_I2: I was probably in Vietnam fighting for his freedom maybe even before he was oven borne.
Sildring: I don't know if you are a troll but at least you are pretty funny.
TROLL MY DONKEY! Cmonn guys, cut me some slack. Super Man doesn't and neither do I. If you've ever watched Super Man 1 you'll know what I'm saying.

I figure I'm at least twice as old as most people on this forum. And Hell yes, I fought in Viet Nam in the mid 60's, so you can be thankful that you're at least alive with some measure of freedom.

I don't give a chicken **** what you believe, that's your right, it's just a shame that you form such negative opinions just for the H*** of it. I've ordered a debit card from my bank so that I can fatten up my GOG wallet and just go crazy in the GOG store.

I iterate, I'm not a troll but as long as you smart off, I'll NEVER shut up. I wish I could turn green when I'm angry!
i'm Mr. Meeseeks, loot at meeee!
Sildring: I don't know if you are a troll but at least you are pretty funny.
Keith_I2: TROLL MY DONKEY! Cmonn guys, cut me some slack. Super Man doesn't and neither do I. If you've ever watched Super Man 1 you'll know what I'm saying.

I figure I'm at least twice as old as most people on this forum. And Hell yes, I fought in Viet Nam in the mid 60's, so you can be thankful that you're at least alive with some measure of freedom.

I don't give a chicken **** what you believe, that's your right, it's just a shame that you form such negative opinions just for the H*** of it. I've ordered a debit card from my bank so that I can fatten up my GOG wallet and just go crazy in the GOG store.

I iterate, I'm not a troll but as long as you smart off, I'll NEVER shut up. I wish I could turn green when I'm angry!
The only thing I can suggest is see if your brother is still in the period to request a refund and have him state he meant to purchase it as a gift, then if the refund goes through he can re-purchase as a gift or give you the money you you can purchase it so the game will be linked to your account (this may also provide a new key for multi player) if problems are still there then you can request help since your account shows that you legally own the game.
low rated
I've got a much simpler solution, I'm making a list of sources for the Two Worlds series and all of them are in the GOG store except Shattered Embrace. I hope Gog gets it soon. I'm tired of playing a second hand version because a lot of cut-scene videos are missing, particularly the Final part where the evil queen turns into a dragon and flies away.
high rated
Keith_I2: I've got a much simpler solution, I'm making a list of sources for the Two Worlds series and all of them are in the GOG store except Shattered Embrace. I hope Gog gets it soon. I'm tired of playing a second hand version because a lot of cut-scene videos are missing, particularly the Final part where the evil queen turns into a dragon and flies away.
Uhh... by second hand do you mean bootleg? Because used games don't generally have cutscenes missing. It's not like they fell off the disc when the previous owner wasn't paying attention.
low rated
I tried posting a new topic and can't find it anywhere. I'll try it here. The following site does best with MS Edge. Internet explorer darkens it and you have to highlight it. It is about DRM and Denuvo which is scarry.

I can't post any links, so just do a search for Denuvo.
low rated
Post edited May 25, 2020 by Keith_I2
Keith_I2: I was watching a video of echoes of the dark past and noticed one of the gamer's listings was Shadows Over Grondvick.
That brought to mind of one of the areas while playing Two Worlds 2 with the Worldmerge mod installed. late in the game, an area was titled as Dark Clouds Over Grondvick.

With the mere mod installed, there's 8 extra maps formerly only available in online play. The modder known as Young Neal One combined TW2, POTFF, and a new mini area with a chief character, know as Marvin, that gave quests to find crystal shards mostly in the extra map areas. I greatly assisted him in searching out the new areas and even created a walkthrough covering all 3 quest lines. the Worldmerge game is rather unique since you can freely visit TW2, POTFF, or the Marvin quests.

The walkthrough will show under different names, but any one of them as George, Keith, or any combination of those names are the same person, Me.
I am not sure what the question or point is here? As far as I know worldmerge doesn’t work anymore (or doesn’t work with dlc or newest content, I forget now). I used it way back when and it was great, really good idea to merge it all together.