DebbieL: According to their FAQ there will eventually be a rating system, but it'll be opt-in for developers.
Honestly, at present the Epic Games store seems like more of a competitor to Steam than GOG. GOG's unique selling point is, and always has been, the DRM-free aspect. The Epic store may be better for devs in terms of the revenue split, but from a consumer's point of view it's basically just Steam with a lot less features - though that may change in the future, of course.
Yes. it's clear that they are catering to the devs and zero to the customer. The way they talk about things hints of a very closed-garden approach in regards to their customers, where they will do their best to ignore the needs of the consumer in favor over developers. Already, their refund terms are unclear, compared to other digital stores. There is also the fact, that they illicitly made use of the DMCA to sue players in that whole thing with Fortnite. Who knows, forget about the standard banning of a game library, they might just haul you to court if you do anything they don't like! For me, their total behavior spells bad news. And if there has to be one dominant store, Steam will be by far better for the average consumer. Steam has so far, offered a reasonable compromise between devs and players.
@Topic Steam certainly has the resources to compete against Epic. It's merely a matter of whether they wish to. I was thinking about it, and actually see Steam stepping up their game as being beneficial to GOG. If they can retain their usual base there, it will be just the usual split between Steam and GOG. GOG on their part needs to do a bunch of fixing up. Improving the website and the developer pipeline. Likely, GOG will need to take a revenue cut as well. If Cyberpunk 2077 goes well, it shall be a fantastic marketing tool to enhance their presence. If GOG adapts, they will still be relevant, which is the idea.
Even though GOG isn't perfect, they have the most customer friendly ideas, like DRM-Free and dedicated customer support. It's always awful to see the better guys coming in last.