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Iain: Just subscribed to your channel, ideal for looking up a hint on how to achieve something in one of Sierras quest games if I get stuck, easier to watch what to do than dig through a text play guide!
i appreciate it. thankyou for subscribing.
for my final week in hearthstone, we look at the main "pillars" of card acquisition:

opening packs from arena drafts and crafting.

once we've gotten through that, we take a crafted deck into ranked, play it for a bit and then, i show you some web resources that'll help with deck ideas, showcase guides and help you look up information on the web.

i had to break this up into three videos, or it'd be an unwatchable mess, so here are three youtube links related to all of the above:
police quest ii is complete.

i make my way to steelton after defusing a bomb and then we track bains down to his secret underground lair. in a sewer. well. all evil masterminds have to start somewhere, i guess:
plants versus zombies, episode 2:

we do five levels. that's about the pattern i'm going to settle into for these, i think. unless they get excessively long.

we also get our first [and probably only] achievement :)

i hope everyone enjoys :)
we finish off our six weeks in hearthstone with a couple of bonus videos, one of what happens when you rank past twenty [or do ok at ranked in general] and another of the hearthsteed.

since i had to wake up my world of warcraft account to show off the hearthsteed, i figured i'd make that the next six week project. so, have some world of warcraft with your hearthstone :)
I don't see any Sierra games. oO
i start up quest for glory i tomorrow :)

so you'll see one then ;)
Good LP of magic the gathering.

I subscribed too
Saltefanden: Good LP of magic the gathering.

I subscribed too
thankyou for the compliment and the subscription.

i appreciate both very much.
a new sierra adventure begins!

this time around, it's quest for glory one/hero's quest one.

two videos this time around, the first is the introduction [which is pretty short and not really tied to the game very much] and the second is me actually starting to play.

the first few videos are going to be a little slow while i explain things, after that, hopefully, things should pick up.
episode 3 of plants versus zombies.

now with more night time.

the lack of ambient sun makes this a trifle more difficult than it should be and i very nearly screw up my build order on at least one level, but i realize my mistake early on, thank goodness.
world of warcraft friday! :)

i go over a /lot/ of questing stuff in this particular video - it may be a bit skippy and on reflection, the next time i do something like this, i think i'll edit it a little more sanely so it's not quite so crazy to watch.

also, i show you one of my very favourite zones in the game, thunder bluff.

i hope you enjoy :)

thunder bluff:
hero's quest 1:

we look around the last little bit of the town, i make that classic mistake of asking about the dragon's breath beverage and we get out of town and start our grand adventure.

i also show the healer's hut and we talk about why this game is awesome in general [since it "suggests" the path you take through the puzzles as a result of your class and skill choices.]
it's wednesday!

and for the foreseeable future, that means more plants versus zombies.

we have a format change this week, because i looked at the video and realized that 45 minutes was a bit...excessive. it's one thing to have long episodes in a series like hearthstone where you're explaining and sort of doing different things along the way, but quite another for something like plants versus zombies. so it's at "regular" sized chunks for the rest of the playthrough [ie: twenty minutes per episode.]

also: i play /terribly/ during this episode and we see our first lawnmower losses.
world of warcraft friday:

this week is all about doing activities with other people in the game, whether you know them or whether you don't. whether you're friends with them or whether you're not.

there are three videos, this week:

first up: the talent system and auctions:

secondly: dungeons, scenarios and raids [player versus environment]:

lastly: player versus player zones, battlegrounds, wargames, duels and the like [player versus environment]:

enjoy, as always :)