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my god!

an episode of king's quest 6!

madness! sparta!

plus, alexander's dark passenger :P
blog post:

oh, stainless, how you keep driving that special nail in that says, "hi, we're not very good at this."

second review for magic: duels. the game is still not in a ship-worthy state. and it's long out of beta.
today's episode of king's quest is basically fetch-questing. there's a lot of stuff we need to gather for the future, so we get that out of the way, now:
blog post:

modern dungeoneering with computers [aka, tabletop simulators]

it can be good. but of course, it can be terrible as well. intellectual property and copyright laws can stifle creativity in all sorts of places:
did you want gameplay in tonight's episode of king's quest 6?

yeah. about that.

i show you the guidebook to the green isles, though.

and i get some mint. so there's that.
so, this is the reverse of episode 6 of king's quest 6.


but this is mostly of the "you're trapped. hope you bought the right stuff with you, sucker" variety. ie: not the funnest thing the game has done to us up until now.
ever tried a livestream?
GioVio123: ever tried a livestream?
thank you for having a look around my little area of gog and if you went and visited my youtube channel, i appreciate it.

on to your question:

yes. i had middling success. it wasn't fun to watch for my viewers, because my upstream simply wasn't good enough to make it decent. the recordings of the streams were fine, but being live was skippy and jumpy [even with recommended and tweaked settings.]

will try again when i have better upstream.
oh, blizzard.

i used to admire you at one time.

now you're just a shell of your former self:

blog post!
it's not nailed down.

so alexander picks it up.

and if it's not nailed down, he destroys it.

which is exactly how he winds up in trouble with the beast on the isle of the beast in king's quest 6:
like larry, simon the sorcerer's humour is...a little more adult.

i don't remember to what extent, but we're going to find out together.

here's the introduction of the game to get us started:
i played spore.

spore allowed me to play very many other shallow versions of games i'd played in the past.

that can't be all good!

well, it wasn't, but the builders are fantastic and i wish more people would pick them up.

you can read a longer version of my thoughts about spore here:
since i'm no longer playing hearthstone, i need to find a new ccg home.

i'm trying out spellweaver and this is the tutorial :)
welcome to simon the sorcerer.

i take you through the interface and we get to playing.

ultimately, we're off to become a great wizard! [this has some monkey island deja vu :)]
having fought through the spellweaver tutorials, we get our choice of a starter deck.

i explain my rationale, explain the deck and we start in our first quests: