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it's inherit the earth wednesday!

after a whole crazy amount of to-ing and fro-ing, we finish up tycho's lightcatcher. which, in turn, gets us a map to the wild lands.

bye, friend tycho. it was awesome getting to meet you.
Post edited October 16, 2014 by lostwolfe
ittle dew friday!

man, that 100% run was going so well until i was dumb. gah.

well, i tackle the warped woods, finish it off and plunder the castle a little more. i'm a little slow on some of the puzzles, and lord help me with the boss fights, but we keep moving:
in space quest three, this week, we wander around the junker looking for bits that we can assemble into a working spacecraft. there's lots of cool little things happening in terms of just the way these scenes look. it's really awesome. some of my /favourite/ ega art is in this game. ditto for early gaming music.
i am gone for three weeks. videos will go up as normal, but i won't be seriously attending to my youtube channel at all, otherwise.

i will also not be here and posting when videos go up.

as always, thank you so much for your continued support of my let's plays, i appreciate it very much.

you can see how this is going to affect the channel for the three weeks that i'm gone here:
and i'm back!

without much further ado, here's episode 11 of "inherit the earth" in which i do yet another awkward maze. but after that, it's all adventuring all the time, as i pick up things and trade them for other things and climb crazy rope bridges!
general iciness continues in ittle dew, episode 8.

i make my way through most of the rest of the dungeon and only run after my own tail once, towards the very end where i spot a locked door that i figure we should be able to open, but then, through lack of foresight [ie: i didn't bring fire with me] we don't bother. :)
space quest 3 monday!

because i felt a little weird last night and didn't feel up to recording.

anyhow, we blast off of ortega and find pestulon. once there, we begin infiltrating a janitor! our plan couldn't possibly fail!
we take a trip to the northern island in "inherit the earth" this week and we meet a couple of the natives. they're not at all pleasant folk, it would seem and they most certainly don't want us carting off the orb of storms.
as i mentioned in my "leaving for three weeks" post, i wasn't on social media and forums at all during that time. i /had/ however, uploaded some space quest 3, ittle dew and inherit the earth that i made live across those three weeks without any fanfare at all.

so, i figure there's folks who may have missed those videos. in lieu of that, i complied a little video with some highlights from those unmentioned videos for you to watch with links both in the description and on-screen for you to follow to whichever episodes you may have missed.

you can view that here:
this week on ittle dew:

it's time to beat up the boss of "that cold place." i thought it would give me a bunch of trouble - i'm not the world's most co-ordinated person, at best - but it turns out ok. once that's done, we go and explore the compost crypt - dlc added to the game in the last few months. and that's about it for this episode:
space quest sunday!

we finish off space quest 3 by punching a robot in the face, blowing up some starfighters and somehow surviving a black hole:
it's inherit the earth wednesday!

and it's the finale!

we run around and pick up last minute bits and pieces for the endgame, and then, at long last, we confront chota. chat's noticeably unhappy about this development:
in ittle dew, this week, we go across the overworld, seeking out all the little caves i hadn't bothered with until now. we solve all their puzzles and take all their loot.
this week on sierra sunday, we start off our lazy, laid back game for december - much like last year where i took "mixed up mother goose" for a blind spin, this year we have a look into "hoyle's book of games volume i."

in this particular episode, we explore implementations of "crazy eights" and "old maid":
since there's no game on wednesdays right now, i'm going to try something a little different. i'm calling it "around the campfire." and in it, i sit and ramble for a bit about some of my gaming history.

in this week's first segment, i pick up from a video last week where i talked about my first pc gaming purchase, which was "mindfighter." to follow up, i read a couple of random excerpts from the novel that came with it.

spoilers: it's terrible. ;)