amok: Good. Taken the lesson from Skyrim, then. Waste of level up when you need to just show all the points into a skill to reach an arbitrary cap to be able to perform certain actions. Skyrim's focus on perks worked very well, and I think it was an improvement. Making S.P.E.C.I.A.L. more important and focusing on perks to customise your character seems like the right decisions to me.
Elmofongo: Pro:
In the perpsective of Fallout now being a first person shooter then yes. Skills deciding damage for guns kind sucks..
But the whole point of the skills is to make your character good at something right off the bat. Its the same problem with Skyrim. I'm sorry but skills DO add to the "Role-Playing" element of RPGs.
Now I can't start off as "The crafty, smoothtalking, gunslinger" now I'm, "Standard McDefault".
I felt it much more organic towards my character. I could decide what I wanted to go as I went along, and not lock myself into being a particular type. I still ended up with a rogue archer in the end, only based on my perks. I could have been something else, but I let the world and the narrative lead me there, not trying to have it predefined. I liked that aspect. Everybody starts in this life as a "blank slate" and we progress as we go along. I see no problem doing the same with my many different "gaming lives". You can still be a "crafty, smoothtalking, gunslinger", you just don't get to be one from the start, you need to earn it. And it will be linked into play-style and play-choices, not predefined parameters.