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Please, please, PLEASE bring this to Windows as a soft MIDI device! There are just so many games that were composed with the Roland Sound Canvas, and BASSMIDI with custom soundfonts isn't the same. This could be the ultimate panacea for DOS MIDI woes, if it really can perfectly simulate the SC devices.

And I see that there's a "CM-64 Map(LA)" option, which if I'm not mistaken (and I could easily be), would be a decent way to play MT-32 tracks, like Munt does but officially.

I get that this product, and really the whole Sound Canvas line, is geared more towards composers than listeners, but wouldn't new composers consider it a bit obsolete at this point? In my mind, these products are for DOS era computer games.
Google tells me that although it is now discontinued, there has been a product for the PC by the name of Virtual Sound Canvas Multi Pack. It also tells me that it didn't sound as good as a real SC-55, but some did say that this here iOS app sounds pretty identical to the SC-55.

It says it has the ability to turn your iPhone or iPad into a sound module when you connect an optional MIDI interface, so if it really does a good job with the emulation one could maybe obtain a used iPad from somewhere, buy the software for $19.99 and hook it up to a PC like one would an actual SC-55. Probably more expensive than an actual SC-55, though, and I don't think it does MT-32.