Posted November 01, 2016
twenty years ago today, i stayed up all night playing final fantasy ii(iv) on my snes after trick or treating with my best friend. i was 13 and it was my last time out on halloween, my younger brother was in the hospital recovering from spinal surgery. that night i made it as far as mount ordeals, where cecil the dark knight meets the spirit of his father and earns his legacy as a paladin. i don't think i fell asleep until about 6am though the dozens of fun sized candy bars probably didn't help.
and twenty one years ago tomorrow (november 1) was the first time i had the change to sink my teeth into chrono trigger.... ah, those were the days!
and twenty one years ago tomorrow (november 1) was the first time i had the change to sink my teeth into chrono trigger.... ah, those were the days!
Post edited November 01, 2016 by fortune_p_dawg