Telika: Yeah, maybe you should investigate a bit more your convenient ease to dismiss it.
Brasas: Because I feel like being lazy, I'll just assume in this instance you are rather doing good natured ribbing - like me - though I suspect otherwise.
If you're actually peeved at some of the stuff I've been telling you recently, we should rather have a 1o1 chat mate.
Nope, I'm serious. You fancy yourself as some neutral traffic policeman on these boards (because, hey, i suppose that in your own universe you're very centered), and you have zero grasp of how your own ideology and social convenience biases your ability to see, comprehend, notice, react to anything around you. The very fact that you openly label your own superficiality as "deep" and "objective" precludes any reflexivity, and ensures that you'll stay at that level. You do not realise how many things fly above your head, during your "conversation summaries" (which regularly illustrate it), your circular argumentations, or reactions to quotes you don't understand. You don't realise it, because hey, why would you even look upwards.
So, be it about racism and xenophobia, or about political rhetorics, or even morals, there are background reasons (which you'll never question) why you don't get everything, and dismiss anything that goes beyond the perception field that suits you. And this makes your self-description (ad self-perception) as some neutral referee funny. Quino funny.
Brasas: It's like you don't realize socialism fanatics, those who are all for absolute undemanding welfare socialism (socialism as a pole of purity to reach) are prone to wave a pure capitalist alernative as some bogeyman threat. It's like you don't realize anti-socialists likewise are not as anti-socialism as ultra-socialists make them to be.
It happens to not be the case, and that's an asymetry you are blind to. Even european communists aren't communists anymore (okay, in Greece you can still find stalin-worshipping communists banging against their formalin jar, but, again, in Greece you also find nazis in the parliament). Even communist China is capitalistic. If you're playing the communist scare, you're deluded, and fossilized in old maccarthyst rhetorics. If you're thinking of "basic income" philosphers, they do not oppose free enterprise, they even require it. If you're thinking of anti-authoritarian leftists (the ones that used to get exterminated by communists), they haven't found any wide-scale alternative to capitalism yet, and merely seek to regulate it just like police regulates interpersonal relationships to minimize harm and power abuse. However, from the standpoint of neoliberals and foaming libertarians, this is enough to be classified as "communism". Because, heck, infringing on the Holy Freedom to Crush Thy Neighbour and be Judged By Intrinsically Moral Money Transfers Alone is an Abomination. Because, rhetorically, redistributive taxation is, itself, conflated with nationalization (of All Commercial Endeavours). Because, ethical limitations and legal accountability are seen as an Unbearable State Intrusion In Private Business.
You have movements that breach the individualist totalitarianism of ultracapitalists and libertarians. They limitate it. But this totalitarianism by definition can't accept these limitations : these limitations define "communism" in deliberately ignorant rhetorics ("oh noes, the Staaate restricts our Freeeedom, this is dictatorshiiip"), so any impurity of capitalism is designated as intolerable, and as the cause of all evil. And there comes the campaigns for the eradication of welfare, the demonization of taxations, the destruction of public services, the freedom to reduce wages to peanuts, to pollute at will, to forbid protest strikes, to lay off on a whim, etc.
But you do not have, on the other side, a current for the strict nationalization and state-centralization of all formerly private endeavours, and the eradication of any private enterprise or initiative. Even limitations of profits is not that. Even ecologic constraints is not that. Even minimal wages is not that. Forbidding a man to rape his children and beat his wife to death is not forbidding him to have a home, but it's introducing some rules from outside within his home, and this already shocks abusers enough. No matter the right-wing rhetorics, these are just limits put to a capitalistic system (as "background"), and not its replacement - however, it IS the replacement of its totalitarian ideology (as "pole") with some collective awareness and mutual responsability. The struggle is between a mixed system (with extreme-left proponents) versus a totalitarian system (with extreme-right proponents) which sees a mixed system as "communism".
Debates should be about the balance within these mixed systems, but positions within that debate are asymetrical. It's not pure communism (with state-owned-everything) versus pure capitalism (with the market as only regulating referential). It is socialism (state-owned-basic-services, which shouldn't be driven by profit, and state-policed private activities, which should have moral boundaries) versus pure capitalism (market as the only regulating referential, profit as the only value). The rest is rhetorics. Self-serving rhetorics.
And void little idiocies of the "racism against racists" genre (such as the rhetorics of "two extremes"), that just give idiots an opportunity to sound cool to their own ears.