keeveek: Is this good? I like some good pinballing, but this seems like most of the tables have some "crazy video game stuff".
I don't know how to explain this, but I like when tables in Pinball games are realistic i. e. theoretically possible to be built in real life.
I have the Star Wars tables on my xbox. I really like them. I did not like all of the tables I've tried from those guys, but the Star Wars tables (especially Empire Strikes Back) has a great real-feel to it. It reminded me a lot of my favorite real-life pinball game, Lord of the Rings. It has lots of good movie tie-ins, plenty of quests. There's just a few not-real things that happen (that I have seen anyway).
One is how fast sets pop up and come down.
Another is that you can have your ball shot down by a stormtrooper.
Besides those, I think it's fairly realistic.
The other star wars tables were okay, but they didn't feel quite right to me.