*** In addition to the current GameMaker Weekly bundle ***
OK, this bundle is clearly a no-brainer for anyone with an interest in making games (even if like me you already own GM and most of the games), the source codes provided are invaluable so buy this bundle because you won't see this kind of offer again (although it would be cool if it starts a trend ^o^)
Anyway, for those who don't have experience with GameMaker or with making games in general : sure there's a lot of learning resources on the net (forums, videos, articles) but the learning curve can be slow as all the knowledge is fragmented. In this way, the net is still lagging behind good old paper books written with full learning purposes with complete projects detailed and explained and with learner's progression in mind.
So in the case of GameMaker, there are 3 very good books that you should buy (preferably on paper rather than electronic version as it's much easier to have the book next to your keyboard for reading and working at the same time):
* "The Game Maker's Apprentice" by Jacob Habgood
* "The Game Maker's Companion" by Jacob Habgood
Those two are a bit old and were made with an older version of GM but as GM didn't change too much, most of the projects are still relevant and you just have to do some minor tweaks in worst cases (just skip the "sleep" function for example). In terms of learning material, this duo is the best I've read with a good learning curve. You'll even get to remake the classic "Zool" from the Amiga era (assets provided).
* "Gamemaker Game Programming with Gml" by Matthew DeLucas
When you're familiar with the drag 'n' drop interface and logic of gamemaker and want to dig further (and thus be able to properly understand the sources codes provided with the weekly bundle) you might want to check this book which is all bout GML, the very own programming language of GameMaker which somehow is close to Python language. There are only 2 games projects but they cover a lot of aspects that you'll need to properly understand to work efficiently in GML.
Here are the Amazon UK links, also available on Amazon US of course:
http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Game-Makers-Apprentice-Development/dp/1590596153/ref=pd_cp_14_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=1FMW0FGXRGAXW96C6BX0 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Game-Makers-Companion-Technology-Action/dp/1430228261/ref=pd_cp_14_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=1FMW0FGXRGAXW96C6BX0 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gamemaker-Game-Programming-Matthew-Delucas/dp/1783559446/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1442558742&sr=8-1&keywords=gamemaker+gml