<span class="bold">Humble Weekly Bundle: RPG Edition - Book II: The Quest for King Shlarmatharb's Sequel</span> PWYW FATE: Hero Bundle (DRM-Free/Steam, Windows)
Paper Sorcerer (DRM-Free/Steam, Windows/Mac*/Linux*)
$1 bit Dungeon II (Steam, Windows/Mac)
BTA Pier Solar and the Great Architects (DRM-Free/Steam, Windows/Mac/Linux)
SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition (DRM-Free/Steam, Windows)
Rollers of the Realm (Steam, Windows)
$8 Agarest: Generations of War Collector's Edition (Steam, Windows)
Includes soundtracks for bit Dungeon II, Paper Sorcerer, Pier Solar and the Great Architects, and SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition.
*The Mac and Linux builds are only available for the DRM-Free version.