AB2012: Humble have really gone downhill since the IGN acquisition.
I feel like they'd already been going downhill a while before that, but IGN certainly accelerated the process.
Leroux: Looks more like a funeral than a celebration ...
The original bundles were not only DRM-free but also full of bundle debuts. Games in this bundle have already been bundled before or even given away for free in other stores (Dustforce has even been in one or more of the previous HIBs, and it's even older than Hotline Miami which everyone and their momma should already own by now). Wallpaper, coloring books and coupons can't replace exciting indie games. And what's the deal with these mystery unlocks? What do they hope to gain with that? That people bookmark the page in order to check again next week if the bundle has become more interesting then?
Eh, they've always done extra games added halfway through since the first bundle. I don't think they used to announce it in advance that they were going to add them though, which I guess is what you're complaining about?