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Didn't see a thread for it, so wanted to share. All they want is your email.
Interesting, thanks for letting us know.
Those are also freely available from their developers.

Didn't see a thread for it, so wanted to share. All they want is your email.
We keep all the weekly bundles in one neat thread. ;)
In addition, you also get access to the games' source codes.
Post edited September 18, 2015 by Grargar
Grargar: We keep all the weekly bundles in one neat thread. ;)
In addition, you also get access to the games' source codes.
Wasn't aware of the thread, thanks. : )

However, this is the first time I've seen them give games free, so even if I had known, I'd still think it merited its own thread. I also think the recent pinata was giving spelunky as one of the games? Soo... seems shafty on the dev's part, if that's the case.
Grargar: We keep all the weekly bundles in one neat thread. ;)
In addition, you also get access to the games' source codes.
BlueMooner: Wasn't aware of the thread, thanks. : )

However, this is the first time I've seen them give games free, so even if I had known, I'd still think it merited its own thread. I also think the recent pinata was giving spelunky as one of the games? Soo... seems shafty on the dev's part, if that's the case.
You're right on making the thread. After all it is not really a bundle.
BlueMooner: However, this is the first time I've seen them give games free, so even if I had known, I'd still think it merited its own thread. I also think the recent pinata was giving spelunky as one of the games? Soo... seems shafty on the dev's part, if that's the case.
Spelunky classic is a different game from the paid version. Both games Humble is giving away and their source codes have always been free.
See here:
Post edited September 18, 2015 by SCPM
BlueMooner: Didn't see a thread for it, so wanted to share. All they want is your email.
Already grabbed them...but thanks anyway :)

I'm also tempted to get the GameMaker Bundle...
Anyone here has experience with that?
How is it?
Worth to get it, even if one has absolutely no knowledge of game design/programming?
(yes, I know, it's about drag and drop, but I believe, you can also code?)
That's HTML code and from a port. It's not made by LocoMalito.
The original code, which Humble provides, is Game Maker language or whatever is called.
BreOl72: Already grabbed them...but thanks anyway :)

I'm also tempted to get the GameMaker Bundle...
Anyone here has experience with that?
How is it?
Worth to get it, even if one has absolutely no knowledge of game design/programming?
(yes, I know, it's about drag and drop, but I believe, you can also code?)
I have not tried it a lot, but since I have always been insterested in code, I have given it some try (not made anything, just played with it). My personal opinon is that if you want to "get real shit done", you must code. But it is a very simple language. You'll have to learn it, but I read it is not very difficult to do so.

If you know the little gem "gunpoint", it is made with this software and the creator made some tutorials.

As I said, my experience with this is nominal, but if you are interested, I don't think it's a bad idea to get it for 6$. In fact, if you are interested in learning, I think is a pretty good move to get this bundle. I am tempted to buy it myself, and I'm not really that interested on game making anymore. I would advise to investigate more though, as again, I really don't know jack beyond playing for a while with it.
Post edited September 18, 2015 by javihyuga
javihyuga: I have not tried it a lot, but since I have always been insterested in code, I have given it some try (not made anything, just played with it). My personal opinon is that if you want to "get real shit done", you must code. But it is a very simple language. You'll have to learn it, but I read it is not very difficult to do so.

If you know the little gem "gunpoint", it is made with this software and the creator made some tutorials.

As I said, my experience with this is nominal, but if you are interested, I don't think it's a bad idea to get it for 6$. In fact, if you are interested in learning, I think is a pretty good move to get this bundle.
Thanks for your reply! :)

Yeah, I think this offer (with all the source codes added) looks like a good entry point to GM, both price- and edutainmentwise.
While we are talking about the free GAs of "Spelunky Classic" and "L'abbaye des morts" and the ongoing GameMaker Humble Bundle...

On RPS, they have an article about one of the Games in said Bundle: Death Ray Manta.
And there in the comment section I just stumbled over this post from Death Ray Manta' Developer Rob Fearon:

"Thanks for the post <3

I haven't actually got the bundle myself yet (I really am that skint at the mo) but I've had a read of the forums and it seems there's some sort of weirdy "cover all bases license" stuff that YoYo are using. Which I understand and it's fine, I get they've got a bundle to sell and other devs won't be quite as comfortable as I am with folks fiddling.

BUT. For the avoidance of doubt, if anyone makes anything from the source code or with the assets, even if that anything is just changing my name on the title screen to theirs then I am absolutely cool with this. If folks want to gut it entirely and use it as the base for their stuff, I am fine with this. If you have the source code from Humble then it's OK to use it for whatever you want and honestly, if it leads to a load of bizarre-o-world attempts at putting DRM on Android and charging £900 for them, I'll just laugh my head off at that. Make stuff for fun, sell stuff. I don't care! More power to anyone who can.

And for folks who might just want to rag out the assets and make their own thing with them, I'll be uploading them to my site later. There's a few games out there that use some of my old stuff to give folks a head start and that's always cheered me up.

(Plus, one of the unwritten bonuses of having the source code out there is that if folks disagree with one of my design decisions, they can just go in and change them if they want)"

There's a little more, but you can look out for that on your own ;)
What are the differences between Spelunky Classic and regular Spelunky?
RoloTony: What are the differences between Spelunky Classic and regular Spelunky?
RoloTony: What are the differences between Spelunky Classic and regular Spelunky?
javihyuga: Click
Ah, I see. I might try Spelunky Classic then.
Anyone know what exactly "Redeem for Windows" means?