Tallima: Talking about hookers, my dad has a fun story
He was a trucker in his younger days and he sometimes brought my mom for some longer trips. They were good kids, always looking to see the world. This trip was an overnighter and so they snuggled up in the sleeper in the back.
Some time around midnight thirty there comes a knock on his door. He rolls down the window.
"Can I help you?" he asks, fairly irritated to be woken up so late. He looks her up and down. Clearly a hooker.
"I can take care of
you for $35 dollars," she says.
DubConqueror: Why does that never happen to me in Euro Truck Simulator 2? There's surely some realism missing there! How to talk to hookers in ETS2?
Oh, and in Baldur's Gate the hookers hanging around inns at night say "hey sweetie, wanna take a look at my ditties?", but you never get to say "yes" as it's not a real dialogue.
Truly, there was more to my story. Of course, my dad said no. But he also talked about how back then there were signs. Certain light configurations meant you were available if parked at a truck stop.
I'm sure it's all different now. Well, hope anyway.
And of course you had different calls to warm others of police, slow traffic, and weather. Their cb system was Waze or some other driving app way back when.