rojimboo: For the last time, all temperature records show the rapid recent warming.
Okay... again, FROM WHAT, and WHAT would your solution be to try and solve it?
I'm not convinced there's a warming trend outside the norm, but assuming it is out of the norm, what is the cause? No the charts i see dip up and down and have overall short tern effects going up and down, but i'm not convinced it was due to aerosol usage.
rojimboo: I just cannot fathom what makes you think we are not warming? Like, you believe in thermometers, you say. So that can't be it...
I see charts side by side of the original data and the new NOAA data, along with emails to 'hide the decline'. Curiously the sun just started a solar minimum, meaning it probably is going to start cooling off a bit more for a few years before it decides to output more again. The Sun does not give continuous unwavering output, sometimes it's more and sometimes it's less, and it seems to change with it's heartbeat every 30-60 years.
rojimboo: Why are you interested in the causes and solutions, if you don't even believe we've rapidly warmed??
If there's no cause and no solution there's nothing to talk about, right? Best to prepare for winter, you know what they said our children won't know what snow is winter? It doesn't add up.
rojimboo: Shouldn't you first try to determine if that's true? Or do you not care, and are just trolling and being contrarian?
I agree. But too many sources are getting paid to produce said results, thus you'll get a lot of people saying there's warming because there's billions of dollars pumped out to say so. Call me skeptical when 50+ years of climate disasters and forecasting hasn't come to pass and the sea hasn't seem to risen even 1cm and there's as much ice at the north pole as it was 100 years ago, which shouldn't happen if it was getting hotter year after year.
Recently a national park removed a warming Glaciers would be gone by 2020, as it was gaining ice in the last 5 years. Again, shouldn't that not be the case? The global average temperature is actually dropping since 2016 a bit. We just happen to have a few hot days in this summer.
rojimboo: The main cause of the sudden shift in global temperature trends was the passage of Clean Air Acts by various countries in response to air pollution and acid rain. The USA, for example, first passed its Clean Air Act in 1970, with amendments in 1977 and 1990. Coincidentally, the US Supreme Court (in Massachusetts v. EPA) and EPA (in an endangerment finding) also recently decided that greenhouse gases qualify as 'air pollutants' in the Clean Air Act and must be regulated accordingly.
I wonder if that's more towards dealing with lead they added to fuel more than anything else. Saw an interesting video on why they added it in the first place, and why we don't have it now. I do agree having clean air and water is a good thing.
Though their recent push for '
green energy' is going to have a very toxic result, and it's already starting.
rtcvb32: No more than usual. It's been warmer in the past and cooler in the past.
rojimboo: So you don't, yet you are adamant that the climate is not rapidly heating up? Can you answer this - do you believe you're a rational person? Because you believe something to be the truth, in spite of a mountain of evidence showing the opposite, and you have nothing to back you up. Just wondering.
So are you going to be like Obama and claim South Africa can't have air conditioning because it would cause the seas to boil?
I remember it being 108 in 2002, and i don't recall it getting quite that bad again in the last 20 years. A '
mountain of evidence' by paid actors who are told to show statistics the world is heating up is as useful as dietitians and scientists saying raw sugar has a ton of nutrients (
which it doesn't) to push sugar, and when they admit it doesn't the funding dries up. I also don't take much stock in altered data that was different a mere 20-25 years ago showing a totally different story. Curiously anyone who questions it even scientists are shouted down.
We still have snow, areas that should have been flooded decades and decades ago haven't been flooded, there's still north and south pole, there's still glaciers. I don't see any of that changing, not 100 years ago and not 100 years from now from how it all is looking. Though that more depends on the sun's output more than anything.
rtcvb32: though glaciers and locations have been gaining more ice than losing in the last few years, which probably won't happen if it's constantly getting hotter.
rojimboo: Which glaciers? Land or sea ice? Arctic or Antarctic? Please be more precise.
The only place where there might have a slow gain of ice (until recently), is Antarctic sea ice (which does not contribute to sea levels obviously) where as land ice is decreasing at an accelerating rate contributing to sea level
Glacier National Park, or so the name says. There's also journals 100 years old that have mappings showing the same approximate area as now. Regardless, over 100 years and as much as the records i see overall average out and shows no long term warming trend outside the norm. Ice that was melting is regrowing, and we have fewer hotter days than in the 30's. I'm not convinced we're warming as much as you suggest we are.