nightcraw1er.488: It is not a “service” it is a store, just like any of the other stores. I really don’t see where people get the idea it is anything but that. If you are looking for some archiving site try
sebb7y: A store is a service - a game-selling service.
This store goes above and beyond by rereleasing and reselling old games for modern pcs that aren't available anywhere else. It also releases games in a DRM free format which barely any other stores do and I love this idea, so I wanted to donate directly to them to support them.
I didn't just want to buy a game because then a cut of that will go to the developers instead of the people behind GOG. Also, I was not particularly craving any games. But I suppose buying CDPR games is the best way to go.
I know what gog is. Above an beyond what exactly? Steam sells old games, and has a system for running them on Linux? Zoom platform, humble,, several names which release old games, patched sometimes. GOG when it was good old games was like what you talk, it isn’t that anymore. They have a good 50/50 split of new and old, they don’t support a lot of new things though, no Mac OS 64bit, a lot missing Linux, galaxy broke win xp, etc. If you want to support the store, you buy things from them. If there is something you want to see, then put it on the wish list and maybe their legal team will look into getting the ip to be able to sell it. Afraid it’s not as simple as here is a cd, please distribute it.
And just to add the developers deserve the money more than gog, they put the work in to create the product. Publishers on the other hand...